Kashevarov, Aleksandr

Kashevarov, Aleksandr Filippovich


Born Dec 28, 1809, on Kodiak Island; died Sept. 25 (Oct. 7), 1870. Russian naval officer, captain of the first rank, and hydrographer. Explorer of northwestern America.

Kashevarov graduated from the Kronstadt Pilots’ School in 1828 and served in the Russian American Company from 1831 to 1843. In 1838 he led a hydrographic expedition that explored the eastern coast of the Chukchi Sea from Kotzebue Sound to a point 50 km east of Point Barrow; he was the first to describe the section of coastline from 156° to 166°W longitude. From 1845 to 1850 and from 1857 to 1862 he worked in the Hydrographic Department of the Ministry of the Navy and compiled the Atlas of the Eastern Ocean, which described the Sea of Okhotsk and the Bering Sea (1862). From 1850 to 1856, Kashevarov was head of the port of Aian on the Sea of Okhotsk.


Zagoskin, L. Puteshestviia i issledovaniia v Russkoi Amerike v 1842–1844 gg. Moscow, 1956.