Acronym | Definition |
FTB➣Franchise Tax Board (California; they collect income and sales tax) |
FTB➣Feed the Beast |
FTB➣Family Tax Benefit (Australian welfare assistance) |
FTB➣Free Thought Blogs (personal blog) |
FTB➣Fear the Boot (podcast) |
FTB➣Far Too Busy |
FTB➣First Time Buyer (housing) |
FTB➣Flower Travellin' Band (Japan) |
FTB➣Flexible Time Band |
FTB➣File Transfer Batch |
FTB➣Fast Task Builder |
FTB➣Front to Back |
FTB➣Foreign Trade Bank of Cambodia |
FTB➣Full Tilt Boogie |
FTB➣Firearms Technology Branch (US ATF) |
FTB➣Family Tree Builder (genealogy software) |
FTB➣First Tennessee Bank |
FTB➣For the Birds |
FTB➣Fade To Black (TV scriptwriting term) |
FTB➣Fifth Third Bank |
FTB➣Forschungsinstitut Technologie-Behindertenhilfe (German technical research institute) |
FTB➣Fluidized Thermal Backfill (electrical construction) |
FTB➣Flying Test Bed |
FTB➣FASB Technical Bulletin |
FTB➣Full-Time Basis (substitute teachers) |
FTB➣Forced to Buy (philately) |
FTB➣Fort Bliss (Texas) |
FTB➣Fort Belvoir (Virginia) |
FTB➣For the Boys |
FTB➣Free Trader Beowulf (gaming guild) |
FTB➣Futuristic Template Building |
FTB➣Father to Be |
FTB➣Filthy Thieving Bastards (band) |
FTB➣Frank the Baptist (alternative/rock band) |
FTB➣Feed the Birds |
FTB➣Fear the Beard |
FTB➣Fetch Target Buffer |
FTB➣Feel the Burn! |
FTB➣Fight the Battle (band) |
FTB➣First the Business |
FTB➣Fast-Twitch B |
FTB➣Fiber Termination Box |
FTB➣Fire Control Technician Ballistic (US DoD) |
FTB➣Fault Tolerant Broadcasting |
FTB➣(USN Rating) Fire Control Technician (Ballistic Missile Fire Control) |
FTB➣Fédération des Trompes du Benelux (French: Benelux Federation of Horns) |
FTB➣Full to Bursting (UK slang) |
FTB➣Forward Technical Bridge |
FTB➣Flight Testbed |
FTB➣Funky Town Boyz (band) |
FTB➣Floating Tire Breakwater |
FTB➣Fear the Blue (website) |
FTB➣Fakenham Town Band (est. 1881) |