Acronym | Definition |
JMTC➣Just My Two Cents |
JMTC➣Joint Multinational Training Command (US Army) |
JMTC➣Joint Manufacturing and Technology Center |
JMTC➣Joint Ministerial Trade Committee |
JMTC➣Justo Mwale Theological College |
JMTC➣Johnson Matthey Technology Centre (UK) |
JMTC➣Just My Two Copper (World of Warcraft gaming forum) |
JMTC➣Joint Maneuver Training Center |
JMTC➣Joint Military Technology Commission (Japan) |
JMTC➣John Montgomery Theatre Company |
JMTC➣Jeongwoo Machinery Trading Co., Ltd. |
JMTC➣Jingjiang Measuring Tools Co.,Ltd. |
JMTC➣Johns Manville Technical Center |
JMTC➣Jamaica Musical Theater Company |
JMTC➣Joint Military Transportation Committee |
JMTC➣Joint Medical Training Center |
JMTC➣Journal de Médecine Traditionnelle Chinoise |
JMTC➣Japan-Manalilian Training Center (Japan) |
JMTC➣Japanese Map Task Corpus |
JMTC➣Japan-Myanmar Traditional Cultural |
JMTC➣Jenin Municipality Technology Center (West Bank) |
JMTC➣Joensuun Muay Thai Club |
JMTC➣Joint Maritime Tactics Course |
JMTC➣Joint Medical Testing Center |
JMTC➣Jingmei Training Center |
JMTC➣Jacksonville Metro Treatment Center (Jacksonville, FL) |
JMTC➣John Martin Thomas Charlesworth Ltd (Stamford, UK) |
JMTC➣Joint Mobilization Training Center |
JMTC➣Jacob Marengo Tutorial College (Namibia) |
JMTC➣Jordan Mechanical and Technical Corporation |
JMTC➣Junior Musical Theatre Company |