Commercial Crossbreeding

Commercial Crossbreeding


a breeding system for farm animals by which two breeds are crossed to obtain highly productive first generation crossbreds for commercial purposes (not for pedigree stockbreeding). The crossbreds usually exhibit heterosis with respect to economically useful traits. They are very vigorous and often exceed animals of the original breeds in productivity.

Commercial crossbreeding is extremely important in the breeding of swine and beef cattle. In swine breeding, highly productive crossbreds are obtained by crossing the highly productive Large Whites with less productive breeds. The crossbreds undergo fattening. In cattle raising, commercial crossbreeding is used to increase the production of beef. Dairy and all-purpose cows are crossed with bulls of specialized meat breeds (Kazakh White-faced, Aberdeen-Angus, Santa Gertrudis, Kalmyck, Shorthorn, Charolais, Hereford) or meat breeds are crossed with one another. Commercial crossbreeding provides an additional source of meat in sheep raising. The meat productivity of wool-meat breeds is increased by crossing them with highly productive meat-wool breeds. Eggs and meat production in poultry raising is increased by crossing hens of egg-laying breeds or lines with cocks of egg-meat and meat-egg breeds.


Rostovtsev, N. F., and I. I. Cherkashchenko. Promyshlennoe skreshchivanie v skotovodstve. Moscow, 1971.