Karpinski, Franciszek

Karpiński, Franciszek


Born Oct. 4, 1741, in Holoskowo, in present-day Ivano-Frankovsk Oblast, Ukrainian SSR; died Sept. 16, 1825, in Chorowszczyzna. Polish poet and dramatist. Son of an impoverished nobleman.

Karpiński was the founder of Polish sentimentalism, as exemplified in Diversions in Verse and Prose (vols. 1–7, 1780–87). In his idylls (sielanki), love lyrics, elegies, and religious songs conventional images are combined with realistic pictures of nature and truthful descriptions of human feelings. Karpiński also wrote Memoirs (1844), the tragedy Judith (1790), and the comedy Rent (1789).


Wiersze wybrane. Warsaw, 1966.


Gorski, K. M. F. Karpiński. Krakow, 1913.