Acronym | Definition |
Fml➣Formal |
Fml➣Football Manager Live (web community) |
Fml➣Fix My Life |
Fml➣Forever My Love |
Fml➣Fluorometholone |
Fml➣Frequency Modulated Link |
Fml➣Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa (Portuguese: Faculty of Medicine of Lisbon) |
Fml➣Family Medical Leave (US) |
Fml➣Fermentation Malolactique (French: Malolactic Fermentation) |
Fml➣Football Manager Live (video game) |
Fml➣Fuzzy Markup Language (computer programming) |
Fml➣Fabrication et Montage de Lorraine (French: Manufacturing and assembly of Lorraine; Lorraine, France) |
Fml➣Fujitsu Microelectronics Limited |
Fml➣Field Manipulation Language |
Fml➣Famous Last Words |
Fml➣Fonderie Mécanique Lensoise (French foundry) |
Fml➣Force Management Level (US DoD) |
Fml➣Full Maintenance Lease (vehicle contract) |
Fml➣Ferret Mailing List |
Fml➣Fibre Metal Laminate (Delft University of Technology) |
Fml➣Ferland Marois Lanctot (Canadian law firm) |
Fml➣Forms Markup Language |
Fml➣Free Music Loops (UK) |
Fml➣Facebook Me Later |
Fml➣Facebook Markup Language |
Fml➣Flip My Lid |
Fml➣Feeling Mighty Low |
Fml➣For My Lady (Moody Blues song) |
Fml➣Freestyle Markup Language |
Fml➣Feed Mill License (medication; US FDA) |
Fml➣Full Maximum Likelihood |
Fml➣Frogs Making Love |
Fml➣François et Maxime Lautard (French waste collection company) |
Fml➣For My Life (trademark of Be in Health) |
Fml➣Formal Methods Letters |
Fml➣Follow My Lead |
Fml➣Funk My Life |
Fml➣Forgot My Lunch |
Fml➣Forget My Life (polite form) |
Fml➣Force Module Library |
Fml➣Flexible Membrane Lining |
Fml➣Fiji Muslim League |
Fml➣Falmouth Memorial Library (Falmouth, ME) |
Fml➣Famecos Mailing List |
Fml➣Fashion Mailing List |
Fml➣Frequency Measurement Logic (chip) |
Fml➣Found My Llama |
Fml➣Fast Maximum Likelihood Method |
Fml➣FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) Markup Language (an Apache Maven project) |
Fml➣Found My Lamington |
Fml➣For My Lover (Tracy Chapman song) |
Fml➣File Manipulation Language |
Fml➣Florida Mathematics League |