A high-speed interface used to connect storage networks and computer clusters, introduced in 1999. Using switched, point-to-point channels similar to mainframes and also similar to PCI Express (switched version of PCI), InfiniBand is designed for fabric architectures interconnecting devices in local networks.A Technology Merger
Supporting both copper wire and optical fibers and originally known as "System I/O," InfiniBand is a combination of Intel's NGIO (Next Generation I/O) and Future I/O from IBM, HP and Compaq. For more information, visit the InfiniBand Trade Association at See RDMA, PCI Express, NGIO and Future I/O.
INFINIBAND SIGNALING SPEEDS IN EACH DIRECTION (Gigabits per Second) Data transfer rate is 80% of signaling speed. Type Number of(DR = Bonded Channels data rate) 1x 4x 8x 12xSingle (SDR) 2.5 10 20 30 Double (DDR)5 20 40 60 Quad (QDR)10 40 80 120 14 (FDR)14 56 112 168 Enhanced (EDR) 26 104 208 312