Baikal Neolithic Cultures

Baikal Neolithic Cultures


archaeological cultures of forest hunting and fishing tribes in the Baikal region. These cultures are represented chiefly by graves and partially by settlements. The periodization of the Baikal Neolithic cultures was proposed by A. P. Okladnikov. The bow and arrow appear at the Khinian stage (transitional from the Mesolithic, fifth millennium B. C.). The Isakovian stage (fourth millennium B. C.)is characterized by bilaterally shaped slate arrowheads, polished slate adzes, an abundance of bone artifacts, and ceramics consisting of pointed-bottom vessels with impressions of wicker nets on their surfaces. The Serovian stage (first half of the third millennium B. C.) was a time of the flourishing of the Neolithic hunting culture. The dog was domesticated. Complex bows with bone inlay, blunt bone arrows for hunting small game birds, bone and stone fish lures, and sculptured images of fish, elk, and anthropomorphic figures appear. At this stage the remarkable wall paintings also appear. The ceramics are round-bottom vessels decorated with impressions of various stamps (the wicker net has been smoothed over). At the Kitoian stage (the second half of the third millennium B. C.), fishing was the main occupation of the population. Stronger ties were established between the East and the West. Sectional hooks of bone and stone appear at this time, as well as long bone daggers with flint insets. Jade began to be used widely. Vessels differ from the Serovian only in the shape of the rim. Differences can also be noted in the graves. At burials a large or small number of items were included for the deceased. The corpse was usually covered with red ochre.


Okladnikov, A. P. “Neolit i bronzovyi vek Pribaikal’ia.” In the collection Materialy i issledovaniia po arkheologii SSSR, vol. 18.
Moscow-Leningrad, 1950.
Istoriia Sibiri, vol. 1. Leningrad, 1968.