Acronym | Definition |
ALSA➣Advanced Linux Sound Architecture |
ALSA➣Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association |
ALSA➣Alberta Land Surveyors Association |
ALSA➣Australian Law Students' Association |
ALSA➣Alpaca and Llama Show Association |
ALSA➣Air Land Sea Application Center (US DoD) |
ALSA➣Alps Language Service Association (Japan) |
ALSA➣Astonaut Life Support Assembly |
ALSA➣Adult Learning Strategies and Approaches |
ALSA➣Arab Law Students Association |
ALSA➣Automóviles Luarca, Sociedad Anónima |
ALSA➣Adaptive Latent Semantic Analysis (junk e-mail filtering technology) |
ALSA➣artificial life-support apparatus |