

单词 bacteria genus

bacteria genus

Noun1.bacteria genus - a genus of bacteriabacteria genus - a genus of bacteria genus Heliobacter, Heliobacter - a genus of helical or curved or straight aerobic bacteria with rounded ends and multiple flagella; found in the gastric mucosa of primates (including humans)Aerobacter, genus Aerobacter - aerobic bacteria widely distributed in naturegenus Rhizobium, Rhizobium - the type genus of Rhizobiaceae; usually occur in the root nodules of legumes; can fix atmospheric oxygenAgrobacterium, genus Agrobacterium - small motile bacterial rods that can reduce nitrates and cause galls on plant stemsdivision Eubacteria - one-celled monerans having simple cells with rigid walls and (in motile types) flagellagenus Bacillus - type genus of the Bacillaceae; includes many saprophytes important in decay of organic matter and a number of parasitesgenus Clostridium - anaerobic or micro-aerophilic rod-shaped or spindle-shaped saprophytes; nearly cosmopolitan in soil, animal intestines, and dunggenus Nostoc - type genus of the family Nostocaceae: freshwater blue-green algaegenus Trichodesmium - a genus of blue-green algaegenus Pseudomonas, Pseudomonas - type genus of the family Pseudomonodaceaegenus Xanthomonas, Xanthomonas - a genus of bacteria similar to Pseudomonas but producing a yellow pigment that is not soluble in waterfamily Nitrobacteriaceae, Nitrobacteriaceae - usually rod-shaped bacteria that oxidize ammonia or nitrites: nitrobacteriagenus Nitrobacter, Nitrobacter - rod-shaped soil bacteriagenus Nitrosomonas, Nitrosomonas - ellipsoidal soil bacteriagenus Thiobacillus - a genus of bacteriagenus Spirillum - a genus of bacteriagenus Vibrio - a genus of bacteriaBacteroides, genus Bacteroides - type genus of Bacteroidaceae; genus of Gram-negative rodlike anaerobic bacteria producing no endospores and no pigment and living in the gut of man and animalsgenus Corynebacterium - the type genus of the family Corynebacteriaceae which is widely distributed in nature; the best known are parasites and pathogens of humans and domestic animalsgenus Listeria - a genus of aerobic motile bacteria of the family Corynebacteriaceae containing small Gram-positive rodsgenus Escherichia - a genus of bacteriagenus Klebsiella - a genus of bacteriagenus Salmonella - a genus of bacteriagenus Serratia, Serratia - a genus of motile peritrichous bacteria that contain small Gram-negative rodgenus Shigella - a genus of bacteriagenus Erwinia - a genus of bacteriagenus Rickettsia - can cause typhus and Rocky Mountain spotted fever in humansgenus Chlamydia - type genus of the family Chlamydiaceae: disease-causing parasitesgenus Mycoplasma - type and sole genus of the family Mycoplasmataceaegenus Actinomyces - type genus of the family Actinomycetaceaegenus Streptomyces - type genus of the family Streptomycetaceaegenus Mycobacterium - nonmotile Gram-positive aerobic bacteriagenus Polyangium, Polyangium - type genus of the family Polyangiaceae: myxobacteria with rounded fruiting bodies enclosed in a membranegenus Micrococcus, Micrococcus - type genus of the family Micrococcaceaegenus Staphylococcus - includes many pathogenic speciesgenus Lactobacillus - type genus of the family Lactobacillaceaegenus Diplococcus - a genus of bacteriagenus Streptococcus - a genus of bacteriagenus Spirochaeta, Spirochaeta - the type genus of the family Spirochaetaceae; a bacterium that is flexible, undulating, and chiefly aquaticgenus Treponema - type genus of Treponemataceae: anaerobic spirochetes with an undulating rigid body; parasitic in warm-blooded animalsgenus Borrelia - small flexible parasitic spirochetes having three to five wavy spiralsgenus Leptospira - very slender aerobic spirochetes; free-living or parasitic in mammalsgenus - (biology) taxonomic group containing one or more species

bacteria genus

  • noun

Words related to bacteria genus

noun a genus of bacteria

Related Words

  • genus Heliobacter
  • Heliobacter
  • Aerobacter
  • genus Aerobacter
  • genus Rhizobium
  • Rhizobium
  • Agrobacterium
  • genus Agrobacterium
  • division Eubacteria
  • genus Bacillus
  • genus Clostridium
  • genus Nostoc
  • genus Trichodesmium
  • genus Pseudomonas
  • Pseudomonas
  • genus Xanthomonas
  • Xanthomonas
  • family Nitrobacteriaceae
  • Nitrobacteriaceae
  • genus Nitrobacter
  • Nitrobacter
  • genus Nitrosomonas
  • Nitrosomonas
  • genus Thiobacillus
  • genus Spirillum
  • genus Vibrio
  • Bacteroides
  • genus Bacteroides
  • genus Corynebacterium
  • genus Listeria
  • genus Escherichia
  • genus Klebsiella
  • genus Salmonella
  • genus Serratia
  • Serratia
  • genus Shigella
  • genus Erwinia
  • genus Rickettsia
  • genus Chlamydia
  • genus Mycoplasma
  • genus Actinomyces
  • genus Streptomyces
  • genus Mycobacterium
  • genus Polyangium
  • Polyangium
  • genus Micrococcus
  • Micrococcus
  • genus Staphylococcus
  • genus Lactobacillus
  • genus Diplococcus
  • genus Streptococcus
  • genus Spirochaeta
  • Spirochaeta
  • genus Treponema
  • genus Borrelia
  • genus Leptospira
  • genus




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