Helly fixative

Hel·ly fix·a·tive

(hel'ē), a combination of potassium dichromate, mercuric chloride, formaldehyde, and distilled water; used as a microanatomic fixative for cytoplasmic granules and nuclear staining; has the same disadvantages as Zenker fixative.

Hel·ly fix·a·tive

(hel'ē fiks'ă-tiv) A combination of potassium dichromate, mercuric chloride, formaldehyde, and distilled water, used as a microanatomic fixative for cytoplasmic granules and nuclear staining; has the same disadvantages as Zenker fixative.


Konrad, Swiss pathologist, 1875–. Helly fixative - a microanatomic fixative for cytoplasmic granules and nuclear staining.Helly fluid