A term defined by the UK’s GMC as “…originals or copies of video, and audio recordings, photographs and other visual images of patients. A ‘recording’ does not include pathology slides containing human tissue (as opposed to the image of such a slide), or CCTV recordings of public areas in hospitals.”Recordings may also been defined as audiovisual documentation of (living) patient material, including tissues, pathology slides and X-rays/images, which may be used without consent for virtually any non-commercial purpose—e.g., deriving diagnostic or scientific information relevant to that person, research if it is ethically approved, education or training related to human health or for clinical audit, performance assessment, QA and public health monitoring—as long as the recordings are anonymised. Postmortem recordings cannot be used without appropriate consent.
Allowable recordings, per GMC
• Images taken from histopathology slides
• X-rays
• Laparoscopic images
• Images of internal organs
• Ultrasound images