

单词 homeostasis




H0251700 (hō′mē-ō-stā′sĭs)n. A state of equilibrium, as in an organism or cell, maintained by self-regulating processes: The kidneys maintain homeostasis in the body by regulating the amount of salt and water excreted.
ho′me·o·stat′ic (-stăt′ĭk) adj.


(ˌhəʊmɪəʊˈsteɪsɪs) or


n1. (Physiology) the maintenance of metabolic equilibrium within an animal by a tendency to compensate for disrupting changes2. the maintenance of equilibrium within a social group, person, etc homeostatic, homoeostatic adj


(ˌhoʊ mi əˈsteɪ sɪs)

n. 1. the tendency of a system, esp. the physiological system of higher animals, to maintain internal stability, owing to the coordinated response of its parts to any situation or stimulus tending to disturb its normal condition or function. 2. a state of psychological equilibrium obtained when tension or a drive has been reduced or eliminated. [1925–30] ho`me•o•stat′ic (-ˈstæt ɪk) adj.


(hō′mē-ō-stā′sĭs) The tendency of an organism or cell to regulate the chemical processes that take place internally so as to maintain health and functioning, regardless of outside conditions. The ability to maintain a steady body temperature is an example of homeostasis.


1. Maintenance of a stable internal environment inside an organism.2. The body’s internal balance, produced by a regulatory system that maintains more or less stable temperature, blood pressure, electrolyte levels, etc.
Noun1.homeostasis - (physiology) metabolic equilibrium actively maintained by several complex biological mechanisms that operate via the autonomic nervous system to offset disrupting changesphysiology - the branch of the biological sciences dealing with the functioning of organismsequilibrium - a stable situation in which forces cancel one another




, homoeostasis the maintenance of metabolic equilibrium within an animal by a tendency to compensate for disrupting changes


The relatively constant conditions within organisms, or the physiological processes by which such conditions are maintained in the face of external variation.

Similar homeostatic controls are used to keep factors such as temperature and blood pressure nearly constant despite changes in an organism's activity level or surroundings. Such systems operate by detecting changes in the variable that the system is designed to hold constant and initiating some action that offsets any change. All incorporate a sensor within the system that responds when the actual condition differs from the desired one, a device to ensure that any action taken will reduce the difference between actual and desired, and an effector to take the needed action as directed. The crucial aspect is that information is fed back from effector to sensor and action is taken to reduce any imbalance—hence the term negative feedback.

Blood pressure is, at least on a moment-to-moment basis, regulated by a system for which the sensors are stretch-sensitive cells located in the neck arteries that carry blood from heart to brain. An increase in blood pressure triggers sensor activity; their signal passes to the brain; and, in turn, the nerve supplying the heart (the vagus) is stimulated to release a chemical (acetylcholine) that causes the heart to beat more slowly—which decreases blood pressure.

The volume of the blood is subject to similar regulation. Fluid (mainly plasma) moves between the capillaries and the intercellular fluid in response to changes in pressure in the capillaries. A decrease in blood volume is detected by sensors at the base of the brain; the brain stimulates secretion of substances that cause contraction of tiny muscles surrounding the blood vessels that lead into the capillaries. The resulting arteriolar constriction reduces the flow of blood to, and the pressure within, the capillaries, so fluid moves from intercellular space into capillaries, thus restoring overall blood volume.

Body temperature in mammals is regulated by a sensor that consists of cells within the hypothal­amus of the brain. Several effectors are involved, which vary among animals. These include increasing heat production through nonspecific muscle activity such as shivering; increasing heat loss through sweating, panting, and opening more blood vessels in the skin (vasodilation); and decreasing heat loss through thickening of fur (piloerection) and curling up. Humans sweat, but they retain only a vestige of piloerection (“goose flesh”). See Thermoregulation

While the homeostatic mechanisms described involve the neural and endocrine systems of mammals, it is clear that such arrangements pervade systems from genes to biological communities, and that they are used by the simplest and the most complex organisms.

Organisms of every kind develop, mature, and even shift physiological states periodically—between day and night, with seasons, or as internal rhythms. Thus organisms cannot be considered constant except over short periods. However, all such changes appear to involve the same basic sensing of the results of the past activity of the system and the adjusting of future activity in response to that information. Development of an organism from a fertilized egg is far from a direct implementation of a genetic program; probably no program could anticipate all the variation in the external context in which an organism must somehow successfully develop. See Biological clocks, Nervous system (vertebrate)


any process which regulates or maintains a system in a stable state in relation to a changing external environment in which this system operates. The term may be applied to mechanical systems or servomechanisms, to living beings, or to SOCIAL SYSTEMS. Although a central postulate of some sociological theories (especially see FUNCTIONALISM and STRUCTURAL-FUNCTIONALISM), the suggestion that social systems act in self-maintaining or self-equilibriating ways remains controversial. see also SYSTEMS THEORY.



in physiology, a relatively dynamic constant state with respect to the composition and properties of the internal environment and constancy of the basic physiological functions in man, animals, and plants. The term “homeostasis” was proposed by the American physiologist W. Cannon in 1929. However, the concept of the constancy of the internal milieu had already been formulated in 1878 by the French scientist C. Bernard.

Homeostasis results from the complex, coordinated, and regulated interrelationships occurring at both the organismic level and the organic, cellular, and molecular levels. As a result of the adaptive mechanisms, the physical and chemical parameters that determine the vital processes occurring in the organism change within relatively narrow limits, despite wide fluctuation of the external environment. Higher animals differ from lower animals in the increased complexity of their homeostatic mechanisms. In man, mammals, and birds, homeostasis includes the maintenance of a constant hydrogen ion concentration (pH) and blood composition, osmotic pressure, body temperature, blood pressure, and many other functions. Homeostasis is controlled by neurohumoral, hormonal, barrier, and secretory mechanisms. Thus, for example, arterial pressure is maintained by regulatory mechanisms that are activated in the manner of a chain reaction with feedback loops. (Changes in blood pressure are detected by baroreceptors in the blood vessels and the signal is conveyed to the vascular centers. Changes in the vascular centers then result in alterations in vascular tonus and heart rate; vascular neurohumoral chemoreceptors are simultaneously stimulated and blood pressure is restored to normal.) An example of homeostasis in plants is the maintenance of leaf water content by the opening and closing of the stomata.

The concept of homeostasis is also applicable to biological communities. For example, the maintenance of constant species composition and constant numbers of individuals in biocenoses is regarded as homeostasis.

Genetic homeostasis is the capacity of a population to maintain its genetic composition in dynamic equilibrium, thereby assuring maximal viability.

The term “homeostasis” is also used in cybernetics to designate any autoregulatory mechanism.


Gellhorn, E. Reguliatornye funktsii avtonomnoi nervnoi sistemy. Moscow, 1948. (Translated from English.)
Kassil’, G. N. Gematoentsefalicheskii bar’er. Moscow, 1963.
Winchester, A. Osnovy sovremennoi biologii. Moscow, 1967. (Translated from English.)
Adolph, E. Razvitie fiziologicheskikh reguliatsii. Moscow, 1971. (Translated from English.)
Cannon, W. B. The Wisdom of the Body. New York, 1932.
Lerner, I. M. Genetic Homeostasis. New York, 1954.



[‚hō·mē·ō′stā·səs] (biology) In higher animals, the maintenance of an internal constancy and an independence of the environment.




 [ho″me-o-sta´sis] the tendency of biological systems to maintain relatively constant conditions in the internal environment while continuously interacting with and adjusting to changes originating within or outside the system. See also balance and equilibrium. adj., adj homeostat´ic. The term is considered by some to be misleading in that the word element-stasis implies a static or fixed and unmoving state, whereas homeostasis actually involves continuous motion, adaptation, and change in response to environmental factors.
It is through homeostatic mechanisms that body temperature is kept within normal range, the osmotic pressure of the blood and its hydrogen ion concentration (pH) is kept within strict limits, nutrients are supplied to cells as needed, and waste products are removed before they accumulate and reach toxic levels of concentration. These are but a few examples of the thousands of homeostatic control systems within the body. Some of these systems operate within the cell and others operate within an aggregate of cells (organs) to control the complex interrelationships among the various organs.


(hō'mē-ō-stā'sis, -os'tă-sis), Although the principal stress correctly falls on the third syllable in this word, the pronunciation homeosta'sis is more usual in the U.S. Do not confuse this word with hemostasis.1. The state of equilibrium (balance between opposing pressures) in the body with respect to various functions and to the chemical compositions of the fluids and tissues. 2. The processes through which such bodily equilibrium is maintained. [homeo- + G. stasis, standing]


(hō′mē-ō-stā′sĭs)n. A state of equilibrium, as in an organism or cell, maintained by self-regulating processes: The kidneys maintain homeostasis in the body by regulating the amount of salt and water excreted.
ho′me·o·stat′ic (-stăt′ĭk) adj.


Physiology The dynamic constancy of the internal environment; the self-regulating biologic processes that maintain an organism's equilibrium; the ability to maintain a constant state under various conditions of stress


(hō'mē-ō-stā'sis) 1. The state of equilibrium (balance between opposing pressures) in the body with respect to various functions and to the chemical compositions of the fluids and tissues. 2. The processes through which such bodily equilibrium is maintained. [G. homoios, similar, + stasis, a standing, fr. istēmi, to stand]


The principle of self-regulating information feedback by which constant conditions are maintained in a biological system such as the human body. Homeostasis is essential to life and applies to thousands of bodily parameters. Some of the more obvious examples are temperature regulation, blood acidity control, blood pressure control, heart rate, blood sugar levels and hormone secretion.


the maintenance by an organism of a constant internal environment; an example is the regulation of blood sugar levels by insulin. The process involves self-adjusting mechanisms in which the maintenance of a particular level is initiated by the substance to be regulated. See also FEEDBACK MECHANISM.


The tendency of a family system to maintain internal stability and resist change.Mentioned in: Family Therapy, Life Support


(hō'mē-ō-stā'sis) 1. State of equilibrium in the body with respect to various functions and to the chemical compositions of fluids and tissues. 2. Processes through which bodily equilibrium is maintained. [G. homoios, similar, + stasis, a standing, fr. istēmi, to stand]


  • noun

Words related to homeostasis

noun (physiology) metabolic equilibrium actively maintained by several complex biological mechanisms that operate via the autonomic nervous system to offset disrupting changes

Related Words

  • physiology
  • equilibrium




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