

单词 antigonus i

Antigonus I

Antigonus I

(ænˈtɪɡənəs) n (Biography) known as Cyclops. 382–301 bc, Macedonian general under Alexander the Great; king of Macedon (306–301)

An•tig•o•nus I

(ænˈtɪg ə nəs)
n. (Cyclops) 382?–301 B.C., Macedonian general under Alexander the Great: king of Macedonia 306–30l b.c.

Antigonus I

Antigonus I

(Antigonus the One-Eyed or Antigonus Cyclops) (ăntig`ənəs sī`klo˘ps), 382?–301 B.C., general of Alexander the GreatAlexander the Great
or Alexander III,
356–323 B.C., king of Macedon, conqueror of much of Asia. Youth and Kingship

The son of Philip II of Macedon and Olympias, he had Aristotle as his tutor and was given a classical education.
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 and ruler in Asia. He was made (333 B.C.) governor of Phrygia, and after the death of Alexander he was advanced by the friendship of AntipaterAntipater
, d. 319 B.C., Macedonian general. He was one of the ablest and most trusted lieutenants of Philip II and was a friend and supporter of Alexander the Great. When Alexander went on his Asian campaign, Antipater was left as regent (334–323 B.C.) in Macedon.
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, who with Ptolemy IPtolemy I
(Ptolemy Soter) , d. 284 B.C., king of ancient Egypt, the first ruler of the Macedonian dynasty (or Lagid dynasty), son of a Macedonian named Lagus. He was one of the leading generals of Alexander the Great, and after Alexander's death (323 B.C.
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 and Craterus, supported Antigonus in 321 against PerdiccasPerdiccas
, d. 321 B.C., Macedonian general under Alexander the Great. After the death of Alexander (323) he ruled as regent from Babylon. He strove in vain to hold the empire together, but was opposed by others of the Diadochi.
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 and EumenesEumenes
, c.361–316 B.C., secretary to Philip II of Macedon and to Alexander the Great. A Thracian Greek, he was capable, diplomatic, and eloquent and proved himself able as a general as well as a secretary.
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. In the wars of the DiadochiDiadochi
[Gr.,=successors], the Macedonian generals and administrators who succeeded Alexander the Great. Alexander's empire, the largest that the world had known to that time, was quickly built. At his death in 323 B.C. it disintegrated even more quickly.
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, Antigonus was the leading figure because he seems to have had the best chance to re-create Alexander's empire. He had control of Asia Minor, Syria, and Mesopotamia at the time (316) when Eumenes was murdered. His great power, however, ultimately caused LysimachusLysimachus
, c.355–281 B.C., Thessalian general of Alexander the Great. He was a commander in Alexander's fleet on the Hydaspes as well as his bodyguard. On Alexander's death (323 B.C.) Lysimachus took control of Thrace. He joined (314 B.C.
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, Seleucus ISeleucus I
(Seleucus Nicator) , d. 280 B.C., king of ancient Syria. An able general of Alexander the Great, he played a leading part in the wars of the Diadochi. In the new partition of the empire in 312 B.C. he received Babylonia.
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, and Ptolemy I to unite against him. Antigonus' son, Demetrius Poliorcretes (later Demetrius IDemetrius I
(Demetrius Poliorcetes) , c.337–283 B.C., king of Macedon. The son of Antigonus I, he proved himself a very able commander in his father's wars, particularly against Ptolemy I. Though Ptolemy defeated him at Gaza in 312 B.C.
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 of Macedon), was an able agent in the bid to build the empire by invading Greece; Antigonus defeated (306) Ptolemy, but both Antigonus and Ptolemy were conquered at the battle at Ipsus (301). Antigonus was killed.




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