Kinzua Bridge State Park
Kinzua Bridge State Park
Location:4 miles north of US 6 at Mount Jewett in the central northern part of the state.
Facilities:Picnic area, picnic pavilions, hiking trails, scenic overlook.
Activities:Hiking, hunting.
Special Features:When Kinzua Bridge was built in 1882, it was the highest railroad bridge in the world. In 1900 the entire structure was rebuilt to accommodate heavier trains. A tornado struck the bridge in July 2003, and 11 towers from the center of the bridge were torn from their bases. Although the park is open, areas surrounding the bridge are not open to hikers.
Address:c/o Bendigo State Park
533 State Park Rd
Johnsonburg, PA 15845
Size: 329 acres.
See other parks in Pennsylvania.