释义 |
n. | 1. | The medical philosophy or system of Hippocrates. | EncyclopediaSeeHippocrateshippocratism
hip·poc·ra·tism (hi-pok'ră-tizm), A system of medicine, attributed to Hippocrates and his disciples, based on the imitation of nature's processes in the therapeutic management of disease.Hippocrates, Greek physician, 460-370 B.C. Hippocrates bandagehippocratic - relating to, described by, or attributed to Hippocrates.hippocratic facies - sunken appearance of facial features seen in dehydration.hippocratic fingers - clubbing of the fingers.Hippocratic Oath - an oath demanded of physicians about to enter the practice of their profession.hippocratic splash - Synonym(s): hippocratic succussionhippocratic succussion - a diagnostic procedure to test for obstruction of the pylorus of stomach. Synonym(s): hippocratic splashhippocratism - a system of medicine attributed to Hippocrates and his disciples that is based on the imitation of nature's processes in the therapeutic management of disease. |