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hypocupremia hypocupremia [hi″po-ku-pre´me-ah] abnormally diminished concentration of copper in the blood.hy·po·cu·pre·mi·a (hī'pō-kū-prē'mē-ă), Reduced copper content of the blood; found in Wilson disease because ceruloplasmin is depressed, even though serum albumin-attached copper is increased. [hypo- + L. cuprum, copper, + G. haima, blood] hy·po·cu·pre·mi·a (hī'pō-kyū-prē'mē-ă) Reduced copper content of the blood; found in Wilson disease because the level of ceruloplasmin is depressed, even though the level of copper attached to serum albumin is increased. Synonym(s): hypocupraemia. [hypo- + L. cuprum, copper, + G. haima, blood] |