

单词 guido d'arezzo

Guido d'Arezzo

Gui·do d'A·rez·zo

G0304000 (gwē′dō dä-rĕt′sō) or Guido A·re·ti·no (är′ĕ-tē′nō) 990?-1050. Benedictine monk and music theorist who devised the four-line staff, thereby allowing precise musical notation.

Guido d'Arezzo

(Italian ˈɡwiːdo daˈrettso) n (Biography) ?995–?1050 ad, Italian Benedictine monk and musical theorist: reputed inventor of solmization

Gui•do d'A•rez•zo

(ˈgwi doʊ dəˈrɛt soʊ)
n. (Guido Aretinus) ( “Fra Guittone” ), c995–1049?, Italian monk and music theorist.

Guido d'Arezzo

Guido d'Arezzo

(gwē`dō därĕt`tsō) or

Guido Aretinus

(ârətī`nəs), c.990–1050, Italian Benedictine monk, known for his contributions to musical notation and theory. His theoretical work Micrologus (c.1025) is one of the principal sources of our knowledge of organumorganum
, in music, compositional technique, developed in Europe during the 10th cent., in which each note of Gregorian chant melody was doubled by another note. In the earliest examples, called parallel organum, the doubling interval was constant, usually the lower fourth or
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, an early form of polyphony. His work in musical notationmusical notation,
symbols used to make a written record of musical sounds.

Two different systems of letters were used to write down the instrumental and the vocal music of ancient Greece. In his five textbooks on music theory Boethius (c.A.D. 470–A.D.
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 included the addition of two lines (one red, one yellow) to the two already serving as a staff and the use of both the lines and the spaces. Also important was his system of solmization (sometimes called, after him, Aretinian syllables), whereby the syllables ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la are used as names for the six tones, C to A, known as the hexachord. As the octave replaced the hexachord, an additional syllable, si or ti, was added, and eventually ut was replaced by the more singable do. Other revisions of Guido's system that have been suggested from time to time have not survived.




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