HDMI switch

HDMI switch

A device that is used to select a video source for the TV via the HDMI interface. For example, a cable box, DVD player and DVR may all have HDMI outputs, but the TV may have only one HDMI input. In this case, a three-port HDMI switch would have three HDMI inputs for the source components and one HDMI output to the TV set. When multiple TVs are used, there are HDMI switches with two or more outputs. The switch may be operated manually, by remote control or automatically by priority. When an HDMI source is turned on with a higher priority, those signals are directed to the TV. See HDMI.

Using the Speakers in the TV
If the TV speakers are used, only HDMI cables are required. This 3x1 HDMI switch from Oppo Digital switches three HDMI sources to the TV by remote control or automatically by priority. A signal on the input port with the lowest number has highest priority. (Image courtesy of Oppo Digital, Inc., www.oppodigital.com)

Using the Speakers in the TV
If the TV speakers are used, only HDMI cables are required. This 3x1 HDMI switch from Oppo Digital switches three HDMI sources to the TV by remote control or automatically by priority. A signal on the input port with the lowest number has highest priority. (Image courtesy of Oppo Digital, Inc., www.oppodigital.com)

Home Theater Has Separate Audio
The video goes to the TV, but the audio goes to the A/V receiver. This DVDO EDGE unit provides A/D conversion, upscaling, HDMI video switching and audio switching. It accepts audio via HDMI or TOSLINK from the video sources and sends it to the A/V receiver for surround sound processing via HDMI audio or TOSLINK. (Image courtesy of Anchor Bay Technologies, Inc., www.anchorbaytech.com)

Home Theater Has Separate Audio
The video goes to the TV, but the audio goes to the A/V receiver. This DVDO EDGE unit provides A/D conversion, upscaling, HDMI video switching and audio switching. It accepts audio via HDMI or TOSLINK from the video sources and sends it to the A/V receiver for surround sound processing via HDMI audio or TOSLINK. (Image courtesy of Anchor Bay Technologies, Inc., www.anchorbaytech.com)