Horizontal Forging Machine
Horizontal Forging Machine
used for hot flashless die forging of stock from rods in sectional matrices. In terms of its effect on stock, a horizontal forging machine is a press. It is used for upsetting and for piercing, trimming, bending, and extruding. Horizontal forging machines are more productive than other forge presses and ensure a high degree of precision in their output. The press is powered by a crank mechanism, and its operating parts move horizontally. Auxiliary operations (delivery and clamping of stock) are performed by a lever-and-cam mechanism. In the USSR and abroad, horizontal forging machines are manufactured with forces ranging from 0.5 to 31.5 meganewtons (50 to 3,150 tons-force), making it possible to upset rods up to 225 mm in diameter.
Kozhevnikov, V. Ia., I. G. Ksenzhuk, and I. I. Khudiakov. Gorizontal’no-kovochnye mashiny. Moscow-Kiev, 1960.B. V. ROZANOV and V. P. LINTS