along with

along with

Together with; accompanied by. Can I get some vanilla ice cream along with that piece of pie? I can't believe he's bringing his new girlfriend along with him. That emergency dentist appointment, along with my usual bills, means that I have no money left this month.

along with someone or something

in addition to someone or something; together with someone or something. Jane went to the mall along with David. I ate some chocolates along with some fruit.

along with

1. In association with, as in For his second birthday we sent him a fireman's hat, along with some books, or The audience was invited to sing along with the star. [Early 1700s] 2. In conjunction with, as in Along with what I told you before, that's the whole story of what happened. [Early 1800s] For a synonym, see together with; also see go along, def. 2 and 3.

along with something

in addition to something: Tobacco is taxed in most countries, along with alcohol.See also: something