Hungarian-Rumanian Treaty of 1948 on Friendship, Cooperation, And

Hungarian-Rumanian Treaty of 1948 on Friendship, Cooperation, And Mutual Assistance


signed on January 24 in Budapest, by Chairman L. Dinnyés of the Council of Ministers for Hungary; and by Prime Minister P. Groza for Rumania. It was concluded for a period of 20 years.

The treaty reflected the striving of the parties to strengthen friendship and cooperation in the interests of consolidating peace in the Danubian basin and the Balkans and of consolidating international cooperation and peace. The parties agreed to confer with each other on important international questions and, acting in the spirit of the UN Charter and in accord with each other, to take all the necessary measures to safeguard their security, independence, and territorial integrity. In the event that Germany or another country attacked one of the contracting parties, the other was to offer military and all other forms of aid. Each side pledged not to conclude alliances or participate in actions directed against the other and to support every initiative aimed at eliminating breeding grounds of aggression or safeguarding peace and security throughout the world. The treaty provided for the development and strengthening of economic, cultural, and other ties and for the conclusion of the appropriate agreements.


Szabad Nép, Jan. 25, 1948.
Scînteia, Jan. 25, 1948.