

单词 ddl



(1)["A Digital System Design Language (DDL)", J.R. Duley, IEEETrans on Computers c-17(9), pp. 850-861, Sep 1968].


(language, games)An adventure language developed byM. Urban, C. Kostanick et al of the UCLA Computer Club. DDLwas the forerunner of ADL.


(3)Data Definition Language.


(4)Document Description Language.


(5)Dynamic Data Exchange. (Originally "Linking").


(1) (Data Description Language) A language used to define data and their relationships to other data. It is used to create the data structure in a database. Major database management systems (DBMSs) use a SQL data description language.

(2) (Document Description Language) A printer control language from Imagen that runs on the HP LaserJet series.

(3) (Direct Data Link) The ability of a supplier to directly interrogate a customer's inventory database in order to manage scheduling and shipping more efficiently. Pioneered by Ford Motor Co. in 1988, Ford lets suppliers check stock levels in assembly plants throughout North America.


DDLData Definition Language
DDLDirect Download
DDLDisegno di Legge (Italian: Drawing of Law)
DDLDéveloppement Durable de la Lecture (French: Sustainable Development of Reading)
DDLDynamique du Langage (French: Dynamics of Language)
DDLDrop-Down List (user interface)
DDLDépartement des Langues (French: Language Department)
DDLDirect Drive Linear (motor)
DDLDaniel Day-Lewis (actor)
DDLDocument Description Language
DDLDescription Data Language
DDLDigital Driving Level
DDLDolby Digital Live
DDLDifferential Delay Line
DDLDatabase Design Language
DDLDungeon Definition Language
DDLDrop Down List
DDLDirect Disc Labeling
DDLDialog Directory List
DDLDatabase Definition Language
DDLData Description Language
DDLDelicious Design League (Chicago, IL)
DDLDonald's Dream Land (Donald Duck)
DDLDevice Description Language
DDLDigital Delay Line
DDLDigital Data Link
DDLDanse des Lettres (French animation software)
DDLD Dynamic Libraries (library loading)
DDLDear Doctor Letter (pharmaceutical marketing)
DDLDelegation Of Disclosure Authority Letter
DDLDebard-David-Le Corvec (French architecture firm)
DDLDirect Downlink
DDLDispersive Delay Line
DDLDigital Distance Learning
DDLData Downlink (NASA)
DDLDimensions Development Library (IBM)
DDLDemolition Derby League
DDLDigital Driver's License
DDLData Design Language
DDLData Distribution List
DDLDocument Distribution List
DDLDictionnaire de Didactique des Langues (French: Dictionary of Language Teaching)
DDLDépartement de Didactique des Langues (French: Department of Language Didactics; University of Quebec at Montreal; Quebec, Canada)
DDLDetector Development Laboratory (NASA)
DDLDedicated Data Link
DDLDigital Data Library
DDLDocument Definition Language
DDLData Design Laboratory
DDLDesign Data Laboratory
DDLDirect Drive Laser Printer
DDLDesign Document Listing
DDLDependable Dealers List (PEZ collectors)
DDLDiplôme de Didactique des Langues (French: Diploma in Language Teaching; various locations)
DDLDiode-Diode Logic
DDLDisplay Directory List
DDLDetergent and Decontamination Liquid
DDLDirect Down/Data Link
DDLDevices and Diagnostic Letter (aka Orange Sheet; technology journal)




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