

单词 gsi



Gensym Standard Interface


GSIGeneral Steel Holdings, Inc. (Beijing, China)
GSIGesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung (German Federal Research Institute f
GSIGlobal Security Institute
GSIGlobal System Integrator (various companies)
GSIGlobal Security International (Daphne, AL)
GSIGovernment Secure Intranet
GSIGeological Survey of India
GSIGrid Security Infrastructure (software)
GSIGoldman Sachs International
GSIGreen Stormwater Infrastructure (various locations)
GSIGlobal Surf Industries (Australia)
GSIGlobal Subsidies Initiative (International Institute for Sustainable Development)
GSIGeographical Survey Institute (Ibaraki, Japan)
GSIGeneral Server Interface
GSIGrid Security Infrastructure
GSIGreat Software Ideas
GSIGeological Society of Iowa
GSIGas Safety Inspection (UK)
GSIGraphic Systems, Inc. (various locations)
GSIGreater Spokane Incorporated (Chamber of Commerce and Economic Development Council; Spokane, WA)
GSIGeological Survey of Ireland (est. 1845)
GSIGraduate Student Instructor
GSIGonadosomatic Index
GSIGroup Self-Insurance
GSIGenealogical Society of Ireland (est. 1990)
GSIGlobal Severity Index
GSIGenuine Software Initiative (Microsoft)
GSIGlobal Science Institute (est. 2017)
GSIGreen Storage Initiative (Storage Networking Industry Association)
GSIGross Sexual Imposition
GSIGross Scheduled Income
GSIGovernment Source Inspection
GSIGlobal Sustainability Index (various locations)
GSIGraduate Student Intern (various schools)
GSIGannett Satellite Information Network
GSIGet Someone In
GSIGuest Services, Inc. (Fairfax, VA)
GSIGlobal Single Instance (Oracle)
GSIGlobal Scale Impact (climate change)
GSIGeneric Safety Issue
GSIGeological Strength Index
GSIGet Sirius Info
GSIGlobal Strategies International (various locations)
GSIGiga-Scale Integration
GSIGuest Satisfaction Index (hotel industry)
GSIGomTV Star Invitational
GSIGameSpy Industries
GSIGerontological Services, Inc. (Santa Monica, CA)
GSIGlide Slope Indicator
GSIGlobal Strike Integration (United States Strategic Command Joint Functional Component Command; US DoD)
GSIGeological Survey Institute (Japan)
GSIGlobal System Interrupt
GSIGrid Security Interface
GSIGovernment Systems Incorporated
GSIGoal Systems International (Port Angeles, WA)
GSIGeriatrics-For-Specialists Initiative
GSIGenie Scientific, Inc. (manufacturer of lab fume hoods and metal cabinets)
GSIGeneric Software Interface
GSIGeek Squad Installer (Best Buy)
GSIGalil Seguridad Israelí (Spanish: Galil Israeli Security)
GSIGoddard Safety Initiative
GSIGuest Service Interaction
GSIGulf States Initiatives
GSIGraham Studios Inc (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
GSIGround Safety Instruction
GSIGeo Services International Ltd (UK)
GSIGoodSeed International
GSIGPETE Support Item
GSIGlobecomm Systems International (contractor)
GSIGerencia de Seguridad Institucional (Guatemala)
GSIGenerator Services International, Inc.




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