


several Paleolithic sites on the bank of the Fen River, near the village of Tingts’un in the Shansi province of China. The sites were discovered by Chinese archaeologists in 1953. Approximately 2,000 stone implements were found. Flakes and nuclei of large black pebbles predominate (many flakes exhibit traces of secondary trimming); also found were typical choppers worked on two sides, thick triangular points, laminated blades, and hammerstones for splitting the pebbles. Three teeth of fossil man have also been discovered.


Larichev, V. E. “K voprosu o lokal’nykh kul’turakh nizhnego paleolita v Vostochnoi i Tsentral’noi Azii.” In the collection Arkheologiia i etnografiia Dal’nego Vostoka. Novosibirsk, 1964.
Report on the Excavation of Palaeolithic Sites at Tingtsun, Hsiangfenhsien, Shansi Province, China. Peking, 1958.