

(I) quote (I) tell a lie (I/you/he etc) can’t complain (Ill be damned if (in) 2nd/3rd/4th etc position
(in) one way or another/one way or the other (in) stark/marked/sharp etc contrast to something (in) terminal decline (in) the land of nod (in) the right/wrong way
(in) this/that way (in) working order (income) tax bracket (it is) unwise to do something (it was) nice meeting you
(it) beats me (it) cuts both ways (it) sounds as if/as though (it) sounds like (it) works for me/you etc
(it’ll) be curtains for somebody/something (it’s a) pity (that) (it’s a) small world (it’s been) nice meeting/talking to you (it’s) a bit thick
(it’s) my pleasure (it’s) no/small/little wonder (that) (it’s) nothing personal (it’s) the business (I’ll be/I’m) damned if ...
(I’ll) be seeing you! (I’m) just looking (I’m) much obliged (to you) (I’m) pleased to meet you (jolly) good show
(just) around/round the corner (just) as ..., so ... (just) as you wish (just) for once (just) for the hell of it
(just) imagine doing something (just) in case (just) out of interest/as a matter of interest (just) plain Mr/Mrs etc (just) say the word
(just) that little bit better/easier etc (just) the once (just) think (just) this once (just) you wait
(keep your) chin up! (lanx) satura (leave somebody/something) high and dry (like) rats leaving the sinking ship (lithos) sarkophagos
(make a comparison between (make) encouraging/optimistic etc noises (about something) (make/draw) a comparison between somebody/something (male) chauvinist pig (match somebody) stride for stride
(my) love (my) sweet (no) I never! (no) reason to do something (not) a ghost of a chance
(not) bother doing something (not) bother to do something (not) for any length of time blood soaked etc blood sport
blood transfusion blood type blood vessel blood, sweat, and tears blood-and-guts
blood-and-thunder blood-red blood-soaked etc blood-soaked/oil-soaked etc blood/brain/nerve cell
blood/organ donation blood/organ/kidney etc donor blood/sperm/organ bank bloodandguts bloodandthunder
bloodbath bloodcurdling bloodfest bloodhound bloodied but unbowed
bloodless bloodletting bloodline bloodred bloodshed
bloodshot bloodsoaked etc bloodstain bloodstock bloodstream
bloodsucker bloodthirsty bloody bloody but unbowed Bloody Mary
bloody minded Bloody Sunday Bloody Tower Bloody Tower, the bloody well
bloody-minded bloody/bloodied but unbowed bloodyminded bloom Bloom
Bloom Bloom, Leopold Bloom, Orlando bloomer bloomers
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