(all) the gory details
(all) to itself
(all) to ourselves
(all) to themselves
(all) to yourself
(all/only) too true
(and the) same to you!
(and) deservedly so
(and) what’s more
(are you) satisfied?
(as) dead as a dodo
(as) dead as a doornail
(as) hard as nails
(as) large as life
(as) likely as not
(as) mad as hell
(as) near as damn it
(as) regular as clockwork
(as) solid/steady as a rock
(as) sure as hell
(as) thick as two short planks
(as) to the manner born
(at a safe distance
(at) any minute (now)
(at) any moment
(at) any second (now)
(at) fever pitch
(at) first hand
(at) full blast
(at) full pelt
(at) full tilt
(at) full tilt/pelt
(at) long/short odds
(at) second/third/fourth hand
(at) the head of something
(at/from) a safe distance
(be in into a jam
(be in of a jam
(be in) correspondence with somebody
(be like a fish out of water
(be of) limited use/value
(be on) a/the slippery slope
(be out into a jam
(be out of a jam
(be prepared to) go to the stake for/over something
(be) allied to/with something
(be) careful!
(be) in a fix
(be) in the firing line
(be) in the tradition of somebody/something
(be) quiet!
(be/feel) like a fish out of water
(be/get) in/out of/into a jam
(beurre) roux
(by) courtesy of somebody
(by) courtesy of something
(can) understand somebody doing something
(cannot) conceive of (doing) something
(chemin de fer) métropolitain
(chien) terrier
(come) rain or shine
(come/work etc) under the umbrella of something
(danse de) Macabré
(danse) macabre
(dark) circles under your eyes
(do something) in your capacity as something
(do the thing
(do you) know what I mean?
(do you) want to bet?/wanna bet?
(do) you hear?
(do) you know what/something?
(do) you mean
(do/try) the ... thing
(don’t) get your knickers in a twist
(East) Asian Tigers
(even) if it kills me
(every hour) on the hour
(every) now and then/now and again
(every) once in a while
(extra) virgin olive oil
(far) fiasco
(far/rather/a little) too much
(febris) acuta
(for) a long time/while
(for) as long as
(for) the first/second/last etc time
(from) April to June inclusive/15 to 20 inclusive etc
(from) door to door
(from) left to right
(gants de) Suède
(get) a bigger/better etc bang for your buck
(get) ten out of ten (for something)
(give somebody/get) the cold shoulder
(give the cold shoulder
(give) credit where credit is due
(go) back to the drawing board
(go) jump in a lake!
(go) out of business
(Good) Lord!/Oh Lord!
(hang) around your neck
(have a word in ear
(have a) good/excellent/poor etc command of something
(have a) late/early night
(have) a mountain to climb
(have) a strong/good/weak etc constitution
(have) egg on your face
(have) one for the road
(have) patience
(have) somebody’s blood on your hands
(have/drop) a word in somebody’s ear
(hear the sound of) wedding bells
(heart) bypass operation/surgery
(high metabolic rate
(high/low) metabolic rate
(hortus) gardinus
(I'll be damned if
(I) don’t mind if I do
(I) must dash/(I) have to dash
(I) must fly
(I) pray thee
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