

keep tabs on keep the ball rolling keep the flag flying keep the lid on keep the peace
keep the Sabbath keep the wolf from the door keep things moving keep tidy keep time
keep to keep to a minimum keep to something keep to the message keep too many etc balls in the air
keep track of keep under wraps not think to do something not think/believe etc for one minute not to be outdone
not to be sneezed at not to mention not to mention something not to put too fine a point on it not to say
not to worry not too bad not too not that keen on not too very that keen on not too/not very/not that keen on something
not too/so bad not touch not touch not touch not touch a hair of head
not touch a hair on head not touch somebody/something not touch something not touch something/somebody (with a bargepole) not touch with a bargepole
not trouble to do not trouble to do something not trust an inch trust as far as you can throw them not trust an not trust as far as you can throw them not trust somebody an inch/not trust somebody as far as you can throw them
not turn a hair not understand a word not understand the first thing about not unless not unlike
not until not up to par not up to the mark not very far etc not very good etc
not very good/happy/far etc not very happy etc not very none too savoury not very savoury too savoury not very savoury/none too savoury
not want to know not worth the paper it is written on on not worth the paper it is written on/printed on not worth the paper it is written printed on not your usual self
not-for-profit not-for-profit not-invented-here syndrome not/never be (a great) one for (doing) something not/never be one to do something
not/never in a million years not/never in your wildest dreams not/no more than something not/nothing much not/without so much as something
nota nota bene notable notable achievement ethnology
ethnos ethos ethos ethyl ethyl alcohol
Eticket etincelle etiolated etiology etique
etiquet etiquette etiquette Etna Eton
Eton College etsen ette etwee etweese
etymologia etymology etymon etymos Etype
EU eu EU eu EU etc national
EU, the eu- euangelion Eubank Eubank, Chris
eucalyptus eucariste Eucharist eucharistia eucharistos
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