

light/comic relief light/fair/dark complected lightduty lighted lightemitting diode
lighten lighten lighten the atmosphere lighten the atmosphere/mood/conversation lighten the burden
lighten the conversation lighten the load lighten the load/burden/workload lighten the mood lighten the workload
lighten up lighter lighter lightest lightfingered
lightheaded lighthearted lighthearted banter lighthouse lighting
lighting rig lightly lightly populated lightning lightning bug
lightning conductor lightning never strikes twice lightning rod lightning strike lights out
lights-out lightsensitive etc lightship lightsout lightstick
lightweight ligne lignite lignum ligue
lihtan likable like like like
like 100 like 2 like a (hot) knife through butter like a bat out of hell like a bull at a gate
like a bull in a china shop like a cat on a hot tin roof like a cat on hot bricks like a deer caught in headlights like a dog with two tails
like a dose of salts like a dream like a flash like a hot knife through butter like a knife through butter
like a lamb like a lamb to the slaughter like a man possessed like a man/woman possessed like a mother hen
like a rabbit caught in headlights like a rabbit/deer caught in headlights like a red rag to a bull like a shot like a woman possessed
like about like an oven like anything like as good as new like as if by magic
like blazes like clockwork like crazy like Darby and Joan like doing
like doing like doing something like father like son like for like like fun
like fury like gangbusters like getting blood out of a stone like greased lightning like hell hell
like hell/the hell like I said like I say like I say/said like it or lump it
like it or not like it's going out of fashion like its going out of fashion like it’s going out of fashion like lightning
like looking for a needle in a haystack like mad like magic if by magic like magic/as if by magic like minded
like new good as new like new/as good as new like nobody's business like nobodys business like nobody’s business
like nothing better like nothing better than like rats leaving the sinking ship like sheep like so
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