

b.s.lab.rel. b.s.l.arch. b.s.l.m. b.s.l.s. b.s.m.
b.s.m.e. b-s meson b.s.met. b.s.met.e. bsmt
b.s.n. b.s.n.a. bso b.s.orn.hort. b.s.o.t.
b.s.p. b.s.p.a. b-s particle b.s.p.e. b special
b.s.p.h. b.s.p.h.n. b.s.p.t. b.s.radio-tv. b.s.ret.
b.s.r.t. b.s.s. b.s.s.a. bssc b.s.s.e.
b.s.s.s. bst b star b.s.t.&i.e. b.s.trans.
b supply bsw bt. b.t.ch. btdt
b.t.e. btec btg bth btl.
attainture attalid attalus i attalus ii attalus iii
attapulgite attar attawapiskat attelet attemper
attempt attenborough attend attendance attendance allowance
attendance centre attendant attendee attending attending physician
attent attention attention deficit disorder attention deficit hyperactivity disorder attention-getting
attention line attention span attentive attentively attenuant
attenuate attenuated virus attenuation attenuator attercop
attest attestation attested attested form att. gen.
at that at that point at that rate at that stage at the crossroads
at the drop of a hat at the end of one's rope at the expense of at the hand of at the helm
at the last minute at the latest at the least at the mercy of at the most
at the outset at the outside at the point of at the ready at the same time
at the top of one's lungs at the wheel at the worst at this point at this rate
at this stage attic attica attic base atticism
atticize attic order atticotomy attic salt attila
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