The orange dot is part of a broader attempt by Apple to burnish its reputation as a privacy-conscious company, and to differentiate the iPhone from Android devices, where privacy controls are more loose.
iPhone’s new ‘orange dot’ feature warns you when an app is listening|Jeff|September 17, 2020|Fortune
Barr’s speech Wednesday, then, was an attempt to argue that all of these actions on his part were not only defensible, but good and necessary.
The stunning hypocrisy of Bill Barr|Andrew Prokop|September 17, 2020|Vox
First, a commanding officer must review and approve all search warrants before an officer seeks judicial approval for the warrant, in an attempt to calculate and assess risk.
The policing reforms in the Breonna Taylor settlement, explained|Fabiola Cineas|September 17, 2020|Vox
This is not an attempt to whitewash our waste, to bury the toll that humans are taking on the planet right now.
Dawn of the Heliocene - Issue 90: Something Green|Summer Praetorius|September 16, 2020|Nautilus
He said the operation reflected an attempt by Turning Point Action to maintain its advocacy despite the challenges presented by the coronavirus pandemic, which has curtailed many traditional political events.
Pro-Trump youth group enlists teens in secretive campaign likened to a ‘troll farm,’ prompting rebuke by Facebook and Twitter|Isaac Stanley-Becker|September 15, 2020|Washington Post
In its attempt to discredit the story, the JPO inadvertently confirmed that fact.
Pentagon Misfires in Stealth Jet Scandal|Dave Majumdar|January 8, 2015|DAILY BEAST
Their first attempt to unseat the House speaker failed miserably, so why not try again?
The YOLO Caucus' New Cry for Attention|Ben Jacobs|January 4, 2015|DAILY BEAST
It has a presence, it remains potentially destructive, but all we can do is attempt to marshal it.
Grief: The Real Monster in The Babadook|Tim Teeman|December 19, 2014|DAILY BEAST
It was an attempt to combat a growing chill on free speech in Turkey while placing his newspaper at the center of the debate.
Turkey Arrests Journalists in Crackdown|Jesse Rosenfeld|December 14, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Answer to the last one: trans people are ten times more likely to attempt suicide than non-trans people.
Do LGBTs Owe Christians an Olive Branch? Try The Other Way Around|Jay Michaelson|December 14, 2014|DAILY BEAST
And seeing they did not attempt to run away, they made no matter of it, if they stayed two or three days one with the other.
An Historical Relation Of The Island Ceylon In The East Indies|Robert Knox
In these cases the attempt has also been made to nourish by subcutaneous injections of food.
A System of Practical Medicine By American Authors, Vol. II|Various
He denied that he was party to the attempt, and paid the necessary fee to the Hanaper for his pardon.
William de Colchester|Ernest Harold Pearce
Still Maria lay upon my lap, and still I resisted every attempt that was made to remove her.
Beaux and Belles of England|Mary Robinson
All attempt at concealment implies some practice of the opposite, or undivine science, founded on nescience.
Unto This Last and Other Essays on Political Economy|John Ruskin
British Dictionary definitions for attempt
/ (əˈtɛmpt) /
to make an effort (to do something) or to achieve (something); try
to try to surmount (an obstacle)
to try to climbthey will attempt the north wall of the Eiger
archaicto attack
archaicto tempt
an endeavour to achieve something; effort
a result of an attempt or endeavour
an attack, esp with the intention to killan attempt on his life
Derived forms of attempt
attemptable, adjectiveattempter, noun
Word Origin for attempt
C14: from Old French attempter, from Latin attemptāre to strive after, from tentāre to try
usage for attempt
Attempt should not be used in the passive when followed by an infinitive: attempts were made to find a solution (not a solution was attempted to be found)