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[ gley-shuhl ] / ˈgleɪ ʃəl / SEE SYNONYMS FOR glacial ON THESAURUS.COM
adjectiveof or relating to glaciers or ice sheets. resulting from or associated with the action of ice or glaciers: glacial terrain. characterized by the presence of ice in extensive masses or glaciers. bitterly cold; icy: a glacial winter wind. happening or moving extremely slowly: The work proceeded at a glacial pace. icily unsympathetic or immovable: a glacial stare; glacial indifference. Chemistry. of, relating to, or tending to develop into icelike crystals: glacial phosphoric acid. Origin of glacial1650–60; <Latin glaciālis icy, equivalent to glaci(ēs) ice + -ālis-al1 SYNONYMS FOR glacial4 chill, freezing, frigid, wintry. 6 forbidding, unfriendly, hostile. SEE SYNONYMS FOR glacial ON THESAURUS.COM OTHER WORDS FROM glacialgla·cial·ly, adverbnon·gla·cial, adjectivenon·gla·cial·ly, adverbun·gla·cial, adjective un·gla·cial·ly, adverb Words nearby glacialglabrate, glabrescent, glabrous, glace, Glace Bay, glacial, glacial acetic acid, glacial drift, glacial epoch, glacialist, glacial meal Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for glacialMany thousands of years ago, glacial floods swept through the area and carved out the sloping sides of the current grounds. Brooklyn’s Gangster Graveyard|Nina Strochlic|October 23, 2014|DAILY BEAST “Americans will never drive a small car,” said the man from GM with glacial confidence. Nationalism on Four Wheels|Clive Irving|October 18, 2014|DAILY BEAST Folks are taking cold showers already, and the weather soon will be glacial. In Ukraine, Winter Is Coming|Anna Nemtsova|September 23, 2014|DAILY BEAST For a church that moves at a glacial pace, the murmurings of Bishops like Tobin are lightning fast and boldly subversive. A Coming American Schism Over Pope Francis?|Candida Moss|September 20, 2013|DAILY BEAST
The often glacial pace of change can prove particularly frustrating to former clerks who return as justices. Advice for a New Justice|Seth Stern, Stephen Wermiel|October 5, 2010|DAILY BEAST "No; because I would not have her imagine I remember enough for prejudice," Stanief answered, with glacial indifference. The Game and the Candle|Eleanor M. Ingram Lithological heterogeneity is one of the notable characteristics of glacial formations. The Geography of the Region about Devils Lake and the Dalles of the Wisconsin|Rollin D. Salisbury Moreover, they are highly metamorphosed so that, even if glacial tills existed, it would be hard to recognize them. Climatic Changes|Ellsworth Huntington The first theory named is that the glacial period is due to the decrease of the original heat in our climate. Nature's Miracles, Volume 1|Elisha Gray They may have been boulders deposited in the district by the ice-drift of the Glacial Epoch. Early Britain--Roman Britain|Edward Conybeare
British Dictionary definitions for glacial
adjectivecharacterized by the presence of masses of ice relating to, caused by, or deposited by a glacier extremely cold; icy cold or hostile in mannera glacial look (of a chemical compound) of or tending to form crystals that resemble iceglacial acetic acid very slow in progressa glacial pace Derived forms of glacialglacially, adverbCollins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to glacialpolar, frozen, freezing, icy, frigid, frosty, arctic, biting, bitter, chill, chilly, cool, gelid, nippy, piercing, raw, wintry, antarctic, aloof, antagonistic Scientific definitions for glacial
Relating to or derived from a glacier. Characterized or dominated by the existence of glaciers, as the Pleistocene Epoch. The American Heritage® Science Dictionary Copyright © 2011. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved. |