The launch of Apple’s new 5G-enabled iPhone 12 on Tuesday promised to make a splash in China, the world’s largest 5G market.
Apple’s 5G iPhone debut didn’t go as planned in the world’s biggest 5G market|Grady McGregor|October 14, 2020|Fortune
It’s made a splash in the B2C world because it has given advertisers a data-fueled way to run ads on television.
CTV and B2B: 3 reasons why Connected TV advertising is primed for B2B|Sponsored Content: SteelHouse|October 12, 2020|Search Engine Land
Getting startedIn the old hunting cabin, you may set your Dutch oven on the wood stove and load it up with water, fresh bones, and a splash of vinegar.
Bone broth will sustain you at home and in the wild. Here’s how to make it.|By Tim MacWelch/Outdoor Life|October 5, 2020|Popular Science
Brian Armstrong, the cryptocurrency exchange’s chief executive, made a splash with a blog post on Sunday that declared Coinbase would not engage in social activism or advocate for political causes or candidates.
There is no such thing as ‘apolitical culture’|rhhackettfortune|September 30, 2020|Fortune
This Remington blender brings a great splash of retro color and design to the kitchen, with every detail considered all the way down to the 48-ounce glass jar, vintage-style three-speed lever control, and the handy blade speed gauge on the front.
Blenders that make great gifts|PopSci Commerce Team|September 28, 2020|Popular Science
The episode does not seem to have made much of a splash in the race thus far.
Watch a Republican Try to Duck the Abortion Ban He Cosponsored|Jack Holmes|October 16, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Whereas Gotham mopes in the shadows, The Flash bursts like a splash page.
‘The Flash’ Review: Teen Angst Gets a Comic Book Quickie|Sujay Kumar|October 7, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The next set of results from the Subaru Hyper-Suprime-Cam will extend the SPLASH survey in important ways.
Some of the First Galaxies Were Big Babies|Matthew R. Francis|September 14, 2014|DAILY BEAST
And then when you want something satisfying, splash out a few dollars for a mammoth cupcake.
The Cupcake Boom’s Sugar High Finally Crashes|Daniel Gross|July 8, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Dabbling in night school photography classes in Miami in 1953, a 23- or 24-year-old Yeager quickly made a splash.
The Queen of the Playboy Centerfolds|Nina Strochlic|May 31, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Sometimes for an instant he scanned the surface of the lake for signs of breaking fish or splash of migrant water bird.
The Harvester|Gene Stratton Porter
Tammie was looking down at a splash of drying blood, obviously a deer had been badly wounded here and had fallen.
Double Challenge|James Arthur Kjelgaard
In a moment Mr. Anderson and Pud heard them splash as they plunged into the lake.
Bob Hunt in Canada|George W. Orton
All at once the lad turned sharply, the supple-limbed pony taking the bank in a cat-like leap, landing in the water with a splash.
The Pony Rider Boys in Texas|Frank Gee Patchin
Great was the noise, it is said, made by the splash of one tossed in, and the water leaped high with the shock.
The Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft, Volume 3|Hubert Howe Bancroft
British Dictionary definitions for splash
/ (splæʃ) /
to scatter (liquid) about in blobs; spatter
to descend or cause to descend upon in blobshe splashed his jacket
to make (one's way) by or as if by splashinghe splashed through the puddle
(tr)to print (a story or photograph) prominently in a newspaper
an instance or sound of splashing
an amount splashed
a patch created by or as if by splashinga splash of colour
informalan extravagant display, usually for effect (esp in the phrase make a splash)
a small amount of soda water, water, etc, added to an alcoholic drink