[ lah -vuh , lav -uh ] SHOW IPA
/ ˈlɑ və, ˈlæv ə / PHONETIC RESPELLING
noun the molten, fluid rock that issues from a volcano or volcanic vent.
the rock formed when this solidifies, occurring in many varieties differing greatly in structure and constitution.
Origin of lava 1740–50; <Italian, originally Neapolitan dialect: avalanche <Latin lābēs a sliding down, falling, akin to lābī to slide
WORDS THAT MAY BE CONFUSED WITH lava 1. larva, lava 2. lava , magma Words nearby lava lauter tub, Lautréamont, Lautrec, Lauzon, lav, lava , lavabo, lavage, Laval, lava lamp, lavalava
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for lava At El Malpais, explore one of many lava tubes, like the easy-to-access Junction Cave.
27 Epic Trips to Start Planning Now | The Editors| September 8, 2020| Outside Online
He says that points to building pressure deep under the volcano’s summit before lava erupted out of cracks in the ground.
Did rain put the Kilauea volcano’s lava-making into overdrive? | Megan Sever| May 15, 2020| Science News For Students
Heavy rains can trigger Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano to spout streams of lava .
Did rain put the Kilauea volcano’s lava-making into overdrive? | Megan Sever| May 15, 2020| Science News For Students
Farquharson and Amelung made their case for rain-triggered lava at Kilauea April 22 in Nature.
Did rain put the Kilauea volcano’s lava-making into overdrive? | Megan Sever| May 15, 2020| Science News For Students
In fact, the lava basement of the Von Kármán crater may be too deep for Yutu-2 to sense at all, his team suspects.
Rover finds ‘layer cake’ below ground on moon’s farside | Lisa Grossman| March 25, 2020| Science News For Students
Lava and ash fell for days; the sun was obliterated for three months.
Book a Room for Two in a Santorini Cave | Joanna Eede| June 10, 2014| DAILY BEAST
No longer would they have crazy adventures like campus-wide paintball and lava matches.
‘Community’ Season Finale: Greendale Stares into the Abyss, Again | Chancellor Agard| April 18, 2014| DAILY BEAST
They were paid $50 to play a tiny Los Angeles speakeasy called The Lava Lounge—now The Woods.
Cold War Kids on Faith, Hipster Detractors & Their Musical Evolution | Marlow Stern| April 17, 2013| DAILY BEAST
So he turned to craftsmen living at the foot of Mt. Vesuvius who had pioneered a technique for working with lava stone.
Subtle Sophistication: Bottega Veneta’s Tomas Maier | Robin Givhan| October 23, 2012| DAILY BEAST
Communal distrust, in India, is lava always simmering beneath the skin.
Gandhi Family Feud | Shoma Chaudhury| April 12, 2009| DAILY BEAST
And does she not then lie trembling at the thought that she may sometime be swallowed up in a tremendous flow of lava ?
Our Little Hawaiian Cousin | Mary Hazelton Wade
Nearly all the valleys through which we passed to-day were covered with lava , but nevertheless offered many beautiful spots.
Visit to Iceland | Ida Pfeiffer
Say shall Destruction's lava load the gale, The furnace quiver and the mountain quail?
The Book of Humorous Verse | Various
We collected several specimens of sulphur and lava , and also a quantity of what the natives call the hair of Pele.
A Voyage round the World | W.H.G. Kingston
These tuffs, and the associated trappean rocks, must not be compared to lava and scori which had cooled in the open air.
A Manual of Elementary Geology | Charles Lyell.
British Dictionary definitions for lava noun magma emanating from volcanoes and other vents
any extrusive igneous rock formed by the cooling and solidification of molten lava
Word Origin for lava C18: from Italian (Neapolitan dialect), from Latin lavāre to wash
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Content related to lava “Magma” vs. “Lava”: Which Is Scarier?We have the answers to your most burning questions about the difference between "lava" and "magma," enough to make you a star at the next science fair.
Words related to lava slag, magma, basalt, ashes, scoria, obsidian, coulee
Cultural definitions for lava A type of igneous rock that is formed when molten magma from a volcano hardens.
The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
Scientific definitions for lava Molten rock that flows from a volcano or from a crack in the Earth. Most lava flows at a rate of a few kilometers per hour, but rates as high as 60 km (37 mi) per hour have been observed. Lava that contains abundant iron- and magnesium-rich components usually erupts with temperatures between 1,000°C and 1,200°C (1,832deg;F and 2,192°F). Lava that contains abundant silica- and feldspar-rich components usually erupts with temperatures between 800°C and 1,000°C (1,472deg;F and 1,832°F). Compare magma .
The igneous rock formed when this substance cools and hardens. Depending on its composition and the rate at which it cools, lava can be glassy, very finely grained, ropelike, or coarsely grained. When it cools underwater, it cools in pillow-shaped masses. See also aa pahoehoe pillow lava .
The American Heritage® Science Dictionary Copyright © 2011. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.