any of numerous American plants belonging to the genus Agave, of the agave family, species of which are cultivated for economic or ornamental purposes: A. arizonica, of central Arizona, is an endangered species.
Origin of agave
<New Latin (Linnaeus) <Greek agauḗ, feminine of agauós noble, brilliant
The agave juice is then extracted using a round stone wheel called a tahona before being distilled twice.
Grab A Shot Glass: Craft Tequila Needs Your Help|Kayleigh Kulp|September 7, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Agave plants take up to 10 years to mature before being harvested.
Grab A Shot Glass: Craft Tequila Needs Your Help|Kayleigh Kulp|September 7, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Tequila, the Mexican spirit made from the agave plant, can be found in bars around the world.
Business Longreads for the Week of October 19, 2013|William O’Connor|October 21, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Just before serving, add some more lemon juice, salt, pepper, and agave to balance.
Three Quinoa Recipes for Your Weekend Parties|Jane Coxwell|May 26, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Another choice is agave nectar, made from a type of cactus that grows in Mexico (yes, tequila fans, that cactus).
How to Watch Out for Hidden Sugar and Replace With Leaner Substitutes|Diana Le Dean|February 23, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Of all these properties of the agave the Toltecs were cognizant.
Mexico|Susan Hale
The Indians, in the ancient cities of Mexico, satisfied their need for pins by using the thorn of the agave.
The Wonder Book of Knowledge|Various
Close to where I had seated myself grew a large plant of the Mexican aloe (agave Americana).
The War Trail|Mayne Reid
Many plants have spines or thorns, and succulent plants like agave, aloe and prickly pear are common.
Modern Geography|Marion I. Newbigin
Broken with grief, Agave passes out slowly to her banishment.
Authors of Greece|T. W. Lumb
British Dictionary definitions for agave
/ (əˈɡeɪvɪ, ˈæɡeɪv) /
any plant of the genus Agave, native to tropical America, with tall flower stalks rising from a massive, often armed, rosette of thick fleshy leaves: family Agavaceae. Some species are the source of fibres such as sisal or of alcoholic beverages such as pulque and tequilaSee also century plant
Word Origin for agave
C18: New Latin, from Greek agauē, feminine of agauos illustrious, probably alluding to the height of the plant