a fine-grained rock formed by the metamorphosis of clay, shale, etc., that tends to split along parallel cleavage planes, usually at an angle to the planes of stratification.
a thin piece or plate of this rock or a similar material, used especially for roofing or as a writing surface.
a dull, dark bluish gray.
a list of candidates, officers, etc., to be considered for nomination, appointment, election, or the like.
verb (used with object),slat·ed,slat·ing.
to cover with or as with slate.
to write or set down for nomination or appointment: the district leader slated for city judge.
to plan or designate (something) for a particular place and time; schedule: The premiere was slated for January.
to censure or criticize harshly or violently; scold.
to punish severely.
Idioms for slate
clean slate, an unsullied record; a record marked by creditable conduct: to start over with a clean slate.
Origin of slate
1300–50; Middle English sclate<Middle French esclate, feminine of esclat piece split off; see slat1
It was originally slated for release in late 2019, said three people familiar with the process, and was delayed in part by the coronavirus pandemic.
Erased From the Trump Administration’s Draft of a Key Foreign Aid Policy: Any Mention of LGBT People|by Yeganeh Torbati|August 20, 2020|ProPublica
Municipal elections are slated to take place later this year, and electoral courts could use the new law to investigate political parties for improper accumulation and use of data, according to Zanatta of Data Privacy Brasil.
Brazil is sliding into techno-authoritarianism|Tate Ryan-Mosley|August 19, 2020|MIT Technology Review
Lawmakers have known for months that the payment was slated to expire at the end of July, but that deadline came and went.
What Economists Fear Will Happen Without More Unemployment Aid|Amelia Thomson-DeVeaux|August 11, 2020|FiveThirtyEight
The Heat were set to face a below-average strength of schedule if the regular season had continued apace, but they will now face the league’s second-toughest seeding-game slate.
Who’s Who In The NBA Bubble: The Potential Party-Crashers|Jared Dubin|July 23, 2020|FiveThirtyEight
A largely new slate of MTS board members is pushing for reform after years of public complaints about the agency’s aggressive ticketing.
The Police Reform Push Comes for MTS|Lisa Halverstadt and Jesse Marx|June 25, 2020|Voice of San Diego
Instead of wallowing in comedy exile, Slate was earning a book deal.
The Curious Little Shell That Restarted Jenny Slate’s Career|Luke Hopping|December 15, 2014|DAILY BEAST
So with the doors of late night closed to her, Slate had to scale down her ambitions to raise her profile.
The Curious Little Shell That Restarted Jenny Slate’s Career|Luke Hopping|December 15, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Less than a minute into her big break, Slate let slip a highly audible F-bomb instead of the scripted “freaking.”
The Curious Little Shell That Restarted Jenny Slate’s Career|Luke Hopping|December 15, 2014|DAILY BEAST
A May 2014 Slate article by Sam Kean details the tragic changes he suffered “from a virtuous foreman to a sociopathic drifter.”
The very suggestion of locking up books to prevent their being carried away hurts like the screech of a pencil upon a slate.
The Patient Observer|Simeon Strunsky
They paused by Little and watched the moon rise, to make silver of the slate roof of Dodd and blue the rustling trees.
This Side of Paradise|F. Scott Fitzgerald
She asked her what she wanted the slate for; and Maria said it was to do sums on, at school.
Georgie|Jacob Abbott
A row of flower-pots upon the stone ledge of every little window, a row of chimney-pots upon the slate roof of every dwelling.
An American Girl Abroad|Adeline Trafton
British Dictionary definitions for slate (1 of 2)
/ (sleɪt) /
a compact fine-grained metamorphic rock formed by the effects of heat and pressure on shale. It can be split into thin layers along natural cleavage planes and is used as a roofing and paving material
(as modifier)a slate tile
a roofing tile of slate
(formerly) a writing tablet of slate
a dark grey colour, often with a purplish or bluish tinge
mainlyUS and Canadiana list of candidates in an election
the reference information written on a clapperboard
informalthe clapperboard itself
clean slatea record without dishonour
have a slate looseBritish and Irishinformalto be eccentric or crazy
on the slateBritishinformalon credit
wipe the slate cleaninformalto make a fresh start, esp by forgetting past differences
to cover (a roof) with slates
mainlyUSto enter (a person's name) on a list, esp on a political slate
to choose or destinehe was slated to go far
to plan or schedulethe trial is slated to begin in three weeks
of the colour slate
Word Origin for slate
C14: from Old French esclate, from esclat a fragment; see slat1
A fine-grained metamorphic rock that forms when shale undergoes metamorphosis. Slate splits into thin layers with smooth surfaces. It ranges in color from gray to black or from red to green, depending on the minerals contained in the shale from which it formed.