Also e·van·gel·ic.pertaining to or in keeping with the gospel and its teachings.
belonging to or designating the Christian churches that emphasize the teachings and authority of the Scriptures, especially of the New Testament, in opposition to the institutional authority of the church itself, and that stress as paramount the tenet that salvation is achieved by personal conversion to faith in the atonement of Christ.
designating Christians, especially of the late 1970s, eschewing the designation of fundamentalist but holding to a conservative interpretation of the Bible.
pertaining to certain movements in the Protestant churches in the 18th and 19th centuries that stressed the importance of personal experience of guilt for sin, and of reconciliation to God through Christ.
marked by ardent or zealous enthusiasm for a cause.
an adherent of evangelical doctrines or a person who belongs to an evangelical church or party.
The evangelical couple also visited a swingers club, Miami Velvet, according to Granda.
The karmic deliciousness of Falwell’s downfall|Kevin Naff|September 1, 2020|Washington Blade
For evangelicals, the Wayfair rumors exploded into a major online freakout.
Evangelicals are looking for answers online. They’re finding QAnon instead.|Abby Ohlheiser|August 26, 2020|MIT Technology Review
Among evangelicals, feelings about human trafficking are often so intense that people are only interested in hearing, and sharing, stories about how inhumane and widespread it is.
Evangelicals are looking for answers online. They’re finding QAnon instead.|Abby Ohlheiser|August 26, 2020|MIT Technology Review
Kristen Howerton, a writer and family therapist who grew up evangelical, says that she began seeing more QAnon-related content from evangelical friends on Facebook about a year ago.
Evangelicals are looking for answers online. They’re finding QAnon instead.|Abby Ohlheiser|August 26, 2020|MIT Technology Review
Around a quarter of American adults identify themselves as evangelical Protestants, including parts of the Baptist, Lutheran, and Presbyterian denominations.
Evangelicals are looking for answers online. They’re finding QAnon instead.|Abby Ohlheiser|August 26, 2020|MIT Technology Review
Pastor Gaylard Williams earned a good reputation among his evangelical ilk.
Exposed: The Gay-Bashing Pastor’s Same-Sex Assault|M.L. Nestel|December 21, 2014|DAILY BEAST
While their songs are inspired by Jewish teachings, they are nowhere close to evangelical.
The Sisterhood of Bulletproof Stockings: It’s Ladies’ Night for Hasidic Rockers|Emily Shire|September 30, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Driscoll is one of the best-known figures in the evangelical Christian movement in the United States.
Another Mega Church Implodes|Warren Throckmorton|September 14, 2014|DAILY BEAST
These days, evangelical voters are a majority in GOP presidential primaries.
What Do Women Want? Not the GOP|Lloyd Green|September 8, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Actually, quite a bit—and some evidence of the ground shifting within the evangelical community.
The Hateful Pastor All Too Happy to Be Left Behind When It Comes to Gays|Jay Michaelson|September 6, 2014|DAILY BEAST
He reassured his people by swearing to uphold the Evangelical Church.
A German Pompadour|Marie Hay
It is believed that the other evangelical denominations in Oregon have spoken with the same distinctness and the same confidence.
A History of Oregon, 1792-1849|William Henry Gray
He was an evangelical transcendentalist, and for many years addressed large and cultured congregations in New York City.
The World's Great Sermons, Volume 6: H. W. Beecher to Punshon|Various
He dared not lay hands on the persons of the evangelical doctors; his orders bore that he was to seize the books and their owners.
History of the Reformation in the Sixteenth Century, Volume V|J. H. Merle d'Aubigné
Evangelical preachers had arisen in many of the other cantons, and were gaining adherents.
A History of the Reformation (Vol. 2 of 2)|Thomas M. Lindsay
British Dictionary definitions for evangelical
/ (ˌiːvænˈdʒɛlɪkəl) Christianity /
of, based upon, or following from the Gospels
denoting or relating to any of certain Protestant sects or parties, which emphasize the importance of personal conversion and faith in atonement through the death of Christ as a means of salvation
another word for evangelistic
an upholder of evangelical doctrines or a member of an evangelical sect or party, esp the Low-Church party of the Church of England
A member of any of various Christian churches that believes in the sole authority of the literal Bible (see also Bible), a salvation (see also salvation) only through regeneration, or rebirth, and a spiritually transformed personal life.