Tye began using optogenetics in rodents to trace the neural circuits involved in emotion, motivation, and social behaviors.
Why do you feel lonely? Neuroscience is starting to find answers.|Amy Nordrum|September 4, 2020|MIT Technology Review
When rodents and monkeys face early-life adversity, the HPA axis gets thrown off-kilter.
Puberty can repair the brain’s stress responses after hardship early in life|Esther Landhuis|August 28, 2020|Science News
It was the rodent equivalent of a human’s nice home and family.
Puberty may reboot the brain and behaviors|Esther Landhuis|August 27, 2020|Science News For Students
Similarly, observations of rodents exposed to radiation suggest that space radiation impairs cognitive function, researchers reported in a review article in the May 2019 Life Sciences in Space Research.
What will astronauts need to survive the dangerous journey to Mars?|Maria Temming|July 15, 2020|Science News
Hungry rodents now might be forced into the open in search of meals.
Why you’re spotting more wildlife during COVID-19|Bethany Brookshire|June 8, 2020|Science News For Students
She paints the current rodent situation as more than a foul inconvenience, and one that is a particular blight on poorer areas.
Crowdsourcing NYC’s War on Rats|Kevin Zawacki|June 24, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Or once in a while the rodent will spread infection by biting causing a disease called, chillingly enough, rat bite fever.
It happens now and then that a rodent animal meets with an accident and breaks off one of its front teeth.
The Animal World, A Book of Natural History|Theodore Wood
The rodent city was a glowing expanse of shallow, crystalline domes, set among odd, scrub trees and bushes.
The Eternal Wall|Raymond Zinke Gallun
Powell let his jaw drop slack and open, and stiffened his body in imitation of the stupor the rodent drug victims had shown.
Devil Crystals of Arret|Hal K. Wells
Each trap that had held a rodent had been turned upside down so that the door had opened.
Mammals of the San Gabriel Mountains of California|Terry A. Vaughan
I started to pull out the smaller drawer very carefully so that the rodent should not make his escape.
The Flying Bo'sun|Arthur Mason
British Dictionary definitions for rodent
/ (ˈrəʊdənt) /
any of the relatively small placental mammals that constitute the order Rodentia, having constantly growing incisor teeth specialized for gnawing. The group includes porcupines, rats, mice, squirrels, marmots, etc
Any of various very numerous, mostly small mammals of the order Rodentia, having large front teeth used for gnawing. The teeth grow throughout the animal's life, and are kept from getting too long by gnawing. Rodents make up about half the living species of mammals, and include rats, mice, beavers, squirrels, lemmings, shrews, and hamsters.