

单词 administratrix


[ ad-min-uh-strey-triks, ad-min-uh-, ad-min-uh-strey- ]
/ ædˌmɪn əˈstreɪ trɪks, ˌæd mɪn ə-, ædˈmɪn əˌstreɪ- /

noun, plural ad·min·is·tra·tri·ces [ad-min-uh-strey-truh-seez, -struh-trahy-seez]. /ædˌmɪn əˈstreɪ trəˌsiz, -strəˈtraɪ siz/. Law.

a woman who is an administrator.

Origin of administratrix

1620–30; <Medieval Latin administrātrix, feminine of administrator; see -trix

usage note for administratrix

See -trix.

Words nearby administratrix

administrative law, administrative-law judge, administrative leave, administrative segregation, administrator, administratrix, admirable, admirable bolete, admiral, Admiral of the Fleet, admiralty
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020

Example sentences from the Web for administratrix

  • This person is called the administrator, or, if a woman, the administratrix.

    Mary Erskine|Jacob Abbott
  • He managed to put this off till his death, after which his widow and administratrix was sued for dilapidations.

    The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman|Laurence Sterne




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