Sir Charles George Douglas, 1860–1943, Canadian poet and novelist.
Elizabeth Mad·ox[mad-uhks], /ˈmæd əks/, 1886–1941, U.S. poet and novelist.
Frederick Sleigh[sley], /sleɪ/, Earl"Bobs Bahadur", 1832–1914, British field marshal.
Glenn"Fireball", 1929–64, U.S. racing-car driver.
John Glover, born 1955, U.S. jurist: chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court since 2005.
Kenneth (Lewis), 1885–1957, U.S. novelist and essayist.
Oral, 1918–2009, U.S. evangelist.
Owen Jo·se·phus[joh-see-fuhs], /dʒoʊˈsi fəs/, 1875–1955, U.S. jurist: associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court 1930–45.
Richard John, born 1943, U.S. molecular biologist, born in England: Nobel prize 1993.
Words nearby Roberts
Roberta, Robert Guiscard, Robert I, Robert II, Robert III, Roberts, Robertson, robertsonian translocation, Robertson screw, Robert's pelvis, Robert's Rules of Order
The Supreme Court justices who decided the Integrity case make $244,440 a year (Chief Justice Roberts makes $255,500).
How Amazon Became Santa’s Sweatshop|Sally Kohn|December 11, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Thank you, Chief Justice Roberts, et al., for opening the floodgates of political campaign donations.
Up to a Point: Thanks to the Biggest Turkey, Uncle Sam|P. J. O’Rourke|November 27, 2014|DAILY BEAST
In his new book, Roberts seeks to persuade his readers that Napoleon was not an evil monster.
Napoleon Was a Dynamite Dictator|J.P. O’Malley|November 7, 2014|DAILY BEAST
In a press release accompanying the video, Roberts said that such behavior is commonplace on New York streets—and in her own life.
Street Harassment Shouldn’t Be a Crime|Lizzie Crocker|October 29, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Bliss walked in front of Roberts with a tiny GoPro camera hidden in the back of his shirt.
Street Harassment Shouldn’t Be a Crime|Lizzie Crocker|October 29, 2014|DAILY BEAST
What has Dr. Roberts proven concerning the influence of alcohol upon digestion?
First Book in Physiology and Hygiene|J.H. Kellogg
He looks towards the bureau, and Roberts tries to pull open one drawer after another.
Evening Dress|W. D. Howells
Here was found the command of Captain Roberts, with evidences of the struggle of a few days before.
Frontier service during the rebellion|George H. Pettis
"I was looking for you a couple of weeks ago, Mr. Roberts," he said.
The Boy With the U. S. Survey|Francis Rolt-Wheeler
Roberts set his teeth and rode straight forward, sword in hand.
The Post of Honour|Richard Wilson
British Dictionary definitions for Roberts
/ (ˈrɒbəts) /
Frederick Sleigh, 1st Earl. 1832–1914, British field marshal. He was awarded the Victoria Cross (1858) for his service during the Indian Mutiny and was commander in chief (1899–1900) in the second Boer War
Julia. born 1967, US film actress; her films include Pretty Woman (1990), Notting Hill (1999), Erin Brockovich (2000), which earned her an Academy Award, and Charlie Wilson's War (2007)