Today, engineers are investigating spider silk as a drug delivery method and as scaffolding for tissue repair, she says.
Readers ask about exoplanets, spider silk and water beetles|Science News Staff|October 4, 2020|Science News
Once you have that, building out a business scaffolding is probably easier than it’s ever been.
‘All taking a chance on each other’: Jasper Wang on Defector Media’s collective ownership structure|Pierre Bienaimé|September 29, 2020|Digiday
Our sense of time may be the scaffolding for all of our experience and behavior, but it is an unsteady and subjective one, expanding and contracting like an accordion.
Reasons Revealed for the Brain’s Elastic Sense of Time|Jordana Cepelewicz|September 24, 2020|Quanta Magazine
It took over a century for us to develop the elaborate accounting scaffolding that surrounds today’s public companies, and it will take more than one statement from the Business Roundtable to change it.
Measuring stakeholder capitalism just got easier|Alan Murray|September 24, 2020|Fortune
We know what kinds of scaffolding is required to develop and master these skills.
Why hasn’t digital learning lived up to its promise?|Walter Thompson|September 17, 2020|TechCrunch
Today the church is wrapped in scaffolding and metal ribbons are holding its façade in place until someone pays to repair it.
Madonna, Carla Bruni & Obama Abandoned Pledges To Rebuild L'Aquila After The Quake|Barbie Latza Nadeau|November 18, 2014|DAILY BEAST
“As you all know, we had a scaffolding incident here at One World Trade Center,” he now said.
Rescue at One World Trade Center|Michael Daly|November 13, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Even when a skeleton displays no evidence of disability, it might have been the scaffolding for an unhealthy body.
Living With Disability in the Dark Ages|Elizabeth Picciuto|July 22, 2014|DAILY BEAST
She was walking down the scaffolding, with all the lights in front of her.
Anthony Cumia: ‘I Have No Regrets’|Lloyd Grove|July 9, 2014|DAILY BEAST
And, of course, scaffolding and portaloos dripping with paint—which will house the Comme des Garçons collection.
From Prada Mural Coats to Dover Street, Fashion’s Art Moment|Bethan Holt|February 10, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Before we turned in, the scaffolding of the tale had been put together.
The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition Vol. 13 (of 25)|Robert Louis Stevenson
I was thinking a great deal of you, and in my head I raised the scaffolding of your future greatness.
Caught In The Net|Emile Gaboriau
When the building is finished, we do not want to see the lumber used as the scaffolding piled in the back yard.
Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern, Vol. 15|Various
She tucked up the folds of her blanket and sped around the pool to disappear in the mazes of the scaffolding.
Merton of the Movies|Harry Leon Wilson
This scaffolding, however, does not penetrate very deep into the earth.
The Rural Magazine, and Literary Evening Fire-Side|Various