any foul or filthy substance, as mud, grime, dust, or excrement.
earth or soil, especially when loose.
something or someone vile, mean, or worthless: After that last outburst of hers I thought she was dirt.
moral filth; vileness; corruption.
obscene or lewd language: to talk dirt.
Informal. gossip, especially of a malicious, lurid, or scandalous nature: Tell me all the latest dirt.
private or personal information which if made public would create a scandal or ruin the reputation of a person, company, etc.
crude, broken ore or waste.
(in placer mining) the material from which gold is separated by washing.
Idioms for dirt
do (someone) dirt. dirty (def. 18).
eat dirt, Informal. to accept blame, guilt, criticism, or insults without complaint; humble or abase oneself: The prosecutor seemed determined to make the defendant eat dirt.
Origin of dirt
1250–1300; Middle English dirt, drit; cognate with Old Norse drit excrement; compare Old English drītan
6 scandal, slander, rumor, scuttlebutt.
Words nearby dirt
Dirksen, dirl, dirndl, Dirofilaria, dir. prop., dirt, dirt bag, dirt bike, dirt-cheap, dirt dauber, dirt-eating
Then finally, 125cc and above have manual clutches and four-to-six-speed transmissions, putting them the closest to full-size dirt bikes in terms of required techniques.
Your kid wants a dirt bike. Here’s what to buy them.|By Serena Bleeker/Dirt Rider|September 4, 2020|Popular Science
This scooter has a dedicated press button for easy folding, a mudguard to protect from any flying dirt, and rubber handles for a secure grip.
The best scooters for a smooth commute or cruise|PopSci Commerce Team|September 3, 2020|Popular Science
For your equipment, a quick scrub with soapy water removes any dirt or grime, and a spray of your rubbing alcohol spray will bust the remaining bacteria.
Working out at home? Here’s how to keep your house from smelling like a gym.|Harry Guinness|September 3, 2020|Popular Science
With every warning, I’d get on the dirt bike and check on the fire.
How We Saved Our Neighborhood from a Wildfire|Dain Zaffke|September 2, 2020|Outside Online
They confirmed the idea using synthetic urine and faux lunar dirt.
Here’s the summer science you might have missed|Janet Raloff|September 1, 2020|Science News For Students
Turns out that wool regulates temperature, repels water, wicks away moisture, and resists stains and dirt.
The Coolest Fashion Innovations of 2014|Raquel Laneri|December 18, 2014|DAILY BEAST
They slapped and punched him, and when he fell, dragged him through the dirt.
Inside the CIA’s Sadistic Dungeon|Tim Mak|December 9, 2014|DAILY BEAST
In one case a detainee was dragged naked along the dirt floor.
Inside the CIA’s Sadistic Dungeon|Tim Mak|December 9, 2014|DAILY BEAST
And Madusa had spent time on motorcycles, dirt bikes and four wheelers, among other rides.
The Moms of Monster Jam Drive Trucks, Buck Macho Culture|Eliza Krigman|November 22, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But how is it they never lose that hunger to turn over the next shovel of dirt?
The Real-Life Raiders of the Lost Ark|Alex Belth|November 14, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Great care is used in cleaning substances to be plated, all dirt and grease being carefully removed.
Things a Boy Should Know About Electricity|Thomas M. (Thomas Matthew) St. John
The dirt is, of course, to be carefully brushed off before applying the blacking.
Cooley's Cyclopdia of Practical Receipts and Collateral Information in the Arts, Manufactures, Professions, and Trades..., Sixth Edition, Volume I|Arnold Cooley
"It would take a three-inch field piece, sir, to make an impression on this wall of dirt," smiled Sergeant Hal.
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"Dirt don't stick to you, Mr. Oldfield," once said a seeking widow.
Tiverton Tales|Alice Brown
While filling in the excavation, the pipe represented in Fig. 22 was found in the dirt which had been removed from it.
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British Dictionary definitions for dirt
/ (dɜːt) /
any unclean substance, such as mud, dust, excrement, etc; filth
loose earth; soil
packed earth, gravel, cinders, etc, used to make a racetrack
(as modifier)a dirt track
miningthe gravel or soil from which minerals are extracted
a person or thing regarded as worthless
obscene or indecent speech or writing
slanggossip; scandalous information
moral corruption
do someone dirtslangto do something vicious to someone
dish the dirtinformalto spread malicious gossip
eat dirtslangto accept insult without complaining
treat someone like dirtto have no respect or consideration for someone
Word Origin for dirt
C13: from Old Norse drit excrement; related to Middle Dutch drēte