In any case, Burgess likes to rail against these pushy liberals and their tricky, communistic light bulbs.
The GOP’s Relentless Crusade to Save America From Commie Light Bulbs|Michael Tomasky|January 17, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The human-rights terminology of NIF grantees, he said, "serves Communistic interests."
The 'Defenders of Zionism' Lose Their Case|Gershom Gorenberg|September 9, 2013|DAILY BEAST
It is born entirely free from that communistic fatalism which merges the being of each in the life of all.
The Insect|Jules Michelet
In communistic conditions if population increases, all sink together into want.
The Principles of Economics|Frank A. Fetter
For a brief period New Harmony was the communistic capital of the world.
Our Foreigners|Samuel P. Orth
They are always rich, and are naturally independent of communistic pleasures.
Lippincott's Magazine, Vol. 20, No. 33, November 1877|Various
He voiced not only the communistic feeling of the tribes, but his personal emotions.
The Literature of Ecstasy|Albert Mordell
/ (ˌkɒmjʊˈnɪstɪk) /
of, characteristic of, or relating to communism
Derived forms of communistic
communistically, adverb
Words nearby communistic
communiqué, communism, Communism Peak, communist, Communist China, communistic, Communist Manifesto, Communist Party, communitarian, communitas, community