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[ dih-kawr-uhm, -kohr- ] / dɪˈkɔr əm, -ˈkoʊr- / SEE SYNONYMS FOR decorum ON THESAURUS.COM
noundignified propriety of behavior, speech, dress, etc. the quality or state of being decorous, or exhibiting such dignified propriety; orderliness; regularity. Usually decorums . an observance or requirement of polite society. Origin of decorumFirst recorded in 1560–70; from Latin decōrum, noun use of neuter of decōrus decorous SYNONYMS FOR decorum1 politeness, manners, dignity. SEE SYNONYMS FOR decorum ON THESAURUS.COM synonym study for decorum1. See etiquette. Words nearby decorumdecorative art, decorator, decorous, decorticate, decortication, decorum, decoupage, decouple, decoupling, decoy, decrease Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for decorumAnd literary decorum, to elaborate, is almost the opposite of what decorum means in real life, which means etiquette basically. Martin Amis Talks About Nazis, Novels, and Cute Babies|Ronald K. Fried|October 9, 2014|DAILY BEAST They thanked him profusely for his public service, apologized for Republican hectoring, and complained about decorum. House Republicans Take on John Koskinen: Scenes From an IRS Sideshow|Tim Mak|June 24, 2014|DAILY BEAST At a certain point is past the line of decorum, but, you know, this is New York. Eliot Spitzer Mobbed by Press, Heckled at First Campaign Stop|David Freedlander|July 9, 2013|DAILY BEAST Not to mention violating whatever sense of decorum is left in the halls of Congress. Hey Steve King: In the Name of Christ, Lay Off Malia and Sasha|Joshua DuBois|March 27, 2013|DAILY BEAST
But with this pope still up and about, and a lame duck at that, the old sense of decorum may not apply. With Pope Benedict XVI’s Retirement, Conclave Rules Prove Unclear|Christopher Dickey|February 12, 2013|DAILY BEAST Hypocrisy is an invitation to decency, decorum, outward elegance and politeness. A Family of Noblemen|Mikhal Saltykov Probably the influence of the clergyman, and the presence of strangers kept all within the strictest rules of decorum. Letters from Spain|Joseph Blanco White In short, the feelings, usual to such occasions were but little indulged in, though there was a strict observance of decorum. The Two Admirals|J. Fenimore Cooper The attempt to reconcile them in this instance fails not only of effect, but of decorum. Hazlitt on English Literature|Jacob Zeitlin After all had risen to go we stood round them for above an hour, laughing, in defiance of every rule of decorum and Chesterfield.
British Dictionary definitions for decorum
nounpropriety, esp in behaviour or conduct a requirement of correct behaviour in polite society Word Origin for decorumC16: from Latin: propriety Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to decorumdignity, gentility, demeanor, civility, correctness, propriety, decency, orderliness, respectability, politeness, etiquette, politesse, protocol, form, formality, usage, punctilio, convention, tact, gravity |