释义 |
[ kawr-uh-nah-doh, kor-; for 1 also Spanish kaw-raw-nah-thaw ] / ˌkɔr əˈnɑ doʊ, ˌkɒr-; for 1 also Spanish ˌkɔ rɔˈnɑ ðɔ /
nounFran·cis·co Vás·quez de [frahn-thees-kaw -bahs-keth the, frahn-sees-kaw -bahs-kes], /frɑnˈθis kɔ ˈbɑs kɛθ ðɛ, frɑnˈsis kɔ ˈbɑs kɛs/, 1510–54?, Spanish explorer in North America. a city in SW California, near San Diego. Words nearby Coronadocorona, Corona Australis, Corona Borealis, coronach, corona discharge, Coronado, Coronado, Francisco, corona glandis, coronagraph, coronal, coronal hole Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for CoronadoAt one point Mullaney returned to Coronado and served as a BUD/S instructor training junior SEALs. The Navy SEAL Who Swindled His Brothers|Jacob Siegel|September 12, 2014|DAILY BEAST I arrived at BUD/S in Coronado (about five miles south of San Diego) on March 31, 1982, fired up and ready for action. Inside Seal Team Six by Don Mann Excerpt|Don Mann|December 4, 2011|DAILY BEAST The goal was to get your IBS through the surf and onto a forty-foot-high rock formation near Coronado Cays. Inside Seal Team Six by Don Mann Excerpt|Don Mann|December 4, 2011|DAILY BEAST Two hours later, Rebecca Zahau hanged herself from a balcony in an interior courtyard of the Coronado home. Stop Calling It Murder|Roy Black|September 10, 2011|DAILY BEAST
Frank told The Daily Beast that Shacknai was not in Coronado at the time of her death but would not say where he was. Mogul Mansion Mystery Deepens|Christine Pelisek|July 27, 2011|DAILY BEAST Louis wants me to go down the coast with him soon, stopping for a month or so at Coronado. Other Things Being Equal|Emma Wolf The announcement sounded like a threat of surveillance, and Coronado's dark cheek turned darker with angry blood. Overland|John William De Forest So far as rendering Coronado any assistance was concerned, Alarcon might as well have been on the coast of Africa. The Romance of the Colorado River|Frederick S. Dellenbaugh Anyway, their report of golden cities and vast, undiscovered land pricked New Spain into launching Coronado's expedition of 1540. Through Our Unknown Southwest|Agnes C. Laut He looked at Coronado inquiringly, as if to say, What do you propose? Overland|John William De Forest