Then he’ll hop the state border into western Pennsylvania for a campaign rally near Pittsburgh.
Election live updates: Trump returns to Wisconsin; Biden to face live audience at town hall|Colby Itkowitz, Felicia Sonmez, John Wagner|September 17, 2020|Washington Post
It already removes them from recommendations, restricts them from search, and in the near future, it says it will reduce their content in News Feed.
Facebook tries to clean up Groups with new policies|Sarah Perez|September 17, 2020|TechCrunch
Cutler envisions putting underwater datacenters near offshore wind farms to power them sustainably.
Microsoft Had a Crazy Idea to Put Servers Under Water—and It Totally Worked|Vanessa Bates Ramirez|September 17, 2020|Singularity Hub
Authorities three days later arrested several people during an unsanctioned LGBTQ rights march that took place near the Cuban Capitol in Havana.
Cuban authorities threaten to arrest LGBTQ activist, journalist|Michael K. Lavers|September 17, 2020|Washington Blade
You can also head to Finder, Applications, and Utilities—it should be at or near the top of the list.
Make online classes easier with these laptop shortcuts|Sandra Gutierrez G.|September 15, 2020|Popular Science
After the defeat of ISIS in Sinjar, most other locals have been left wondering who might rule the city in the near future.
Has the Kurdish Victory at Sinjar Turned the Tide of ISIS War?|Niqash|December 27, 2014|DAILY BEAST
They recorded 10,549 graves on or near the railway in 144 cemeteries, failing to locate only 52 graves.
Riding Thailand’s WWII Death Railway|Liza Foreman|December 21, 2014|DAILY BEAST
I know that one day in the near (ish) future, we will return to our usual hikes and bike rides.
You’re Never ‘Cured’ of an Eating Disorder|Carrie Arnold|December 20, 2014|DAILY BEAST
As my injured leg improves, my left leg starts aching, then throbbing, near my hip.
You’re Never ‘Cured’ of an Eating Disorder|Carrie Arnold|December 20, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Near the end of my tour of the exhibit, Cafiero lingers on the last photos of Ramone.
‘All Good Cretins Go to Heaven’: Dee Dee Ramone’s Twisted Punk Paintings|Melissa Leon|December 15, 2014|DAILY BEAST
This was near being the death of us both, as the two critics together would have turned the scale at near five hundred.
Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, April, 1876.|Various
Near the college grounds is a race course, with training stables attached.