I am collaborating with others to write and art a comic book through which I want to talk to everyone about women’s struggle, and especially focus on menstruation.
The Teenager Breaking Up Child Marriages, Door to Door|Pallabi Munsi|September 2, 2020|Ozy
He, Gardiner and Montgomery are not alone in seeing a place for science in the comic universe.
The superheroes in these comics were inspired by real scientists|Kyle Plantz|July 28, 2020|Science News For Students
It’s not always easy to translate a complex science topic into a comic.
Real-life scientists inspire these comic book superheroes|Kyle Plantz|June 14, 2020|Science News
The three were not alone in seeing a place for science in the comic universe.
Real-life scientists inspire these comic book superheroes|Kyle Plantz|June 14, 2020|Science News
This gave credence to what’s known as the Bechdel Test, which was inspired by a comic strip drawn by graphic novelist Alison Bechdel.
Does Hollywood Still Have a Princess Problem? (Ep. 394)|Stephen J. Dubner|October 24, 2019|Freakonomics
What do you think prompted the change in comic book representation of LGBTQ characters?
Gail Simone’s Bisexual Catman and the ‘Secret Six’|Rich Goldstein|December 6, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Why is it important to have a bisexual character in a comic book?
Gail Simone’s Bisexual Catman and the ‘Secret Six’|Rich Goldstein|December 6, 2014|DAILY BEAST
In the comic books, he sticks around at least until the group reaches the Alexandria Safe-Zone.
The Walking Dead’s ‘Crossed’: The Stage Is Now Set for a Bloody, Deadly Midseason Finale|Melissa Leon|November 24, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Comic book heroes are even hotter—Spiderman and Batman probably earn more money nowadays than Warren Buffett and Bill Gates.
Can Tarzan of the Apes Survive in a Post-Colonial World?|Ted Gioia|November 23, 2014|DAILY BEAST
I bought Tarzan comic books, and even had a few issues of ERB-dom, a mimeographed fanzine devoted to the works of Burroughs.
Can Tarzan of the Apes Survive in a Post-Colonial World?|Ted Gioia|November 23, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The sunburnt face, puckered with a wry wistfulness, was only comic in its incongruous coat of grease.
No Hero|E.W. Hornung
As he walks in with a despairing air, the audience shriek with laughter (because he is labelled as comic in their brains).
The Modern Pistol and How to Shoot It|Walter Winans
"You'd better get the comic Blackstone," said Mr. Hicks, gravely.
Toppleton's Client|John Kendrick Bangs
There was Page, whose special line was the composition of comic answers to questions.
The Lighter Side of School Life|Ian Hay
It must not be supposed that the immorality of the comic stage consists in the license of language, incident or plot.
Renaissance in Italy: Italian Literature|John Addington Symonds
British Dictionary definitions for comic
/ (ˈkɒmɪk) /
of, relating to, characterized by, or characteristic of comedy
(prenominal)acting in, writing, or composing comedya comic writer
humorous; funny
a person who is comic, esp a comic actor; comedian
a book or magazine containing comic strips
(usually plural)mainlyUS and Canadiancomic strips in newspapers, etc
Word Origin for comic
C16: from Latin cōmicus, from Greek kōmikos relating to comedy