any opinion, principle, doctrine, dogma, etc., especially one held as true by members of a profession, group, or movement.
Origin of tenet
1590–1600; <Latin: he holds
belief, position.
pronunciation note for tenet
The word tenet , defined here, should not be hard to pronounce. For speakers of American English, say the number ten, then add the pronoun it , and you have tenet , pronounced (tenit). Unfortunately, there is a similar-looking and similar-sounding word in English that is much more common—the word tenant , meaning someone who rents and occupies an apartment, office, etc. This word is pronounced (tenənt), and its pronunciation is frequently used in error by people who intend to say tenet . Because both words involve sequences of the same letters t and n —both of which are pronounced with the tongue in the same place, touching the upper palate—it is easy for the extra n of the more common word tenant to creep into the pronunciation of tenet . With care, one can learn to pronounce these two words differently and appropriately.
tenant, tenet
Words nearby tenet
Tenedos, tenement, Tenerife, tenesmic, tenesmus, tenet, tenfold, ten-four, ten-gallon hat, tenge, Teng Hsiao-ping
There, I think our guiding tenet is always to get the expert help in those settings and I think even though you’re sharing it as a companion there’s a huge responsibility for the AI at that point.
AI Reads Human Emotions. Should it?|Tate Ryan-Mosley|October 14, 2020|MIT Technology Review
Familiarize yourself with the core tenets of Agile as it’s been used successfully by tech and development teams for years.
The agile marketer: Building agility with technology and talent|Jim Yu|October 13, 2020|Search Engine Watch
One of the tenets of that is to address disinformation or bad information with facts and what’s actually going on.
Mobilizing the National Guard Doesn’t Mean Your State Is Under Martial Law. Usually.|by Logan Jaffe|September 17, 2020|ProPublica
A core tenet of good urban design is the need for “eyes on the street” — business owners, passers-by and residents who have a vested interest in keeping their streets safe and monitoring suspicious activity.
Myths and Shame Shouldn’t Guide Cannabis Regulations|John Bertsch|September 8, 2020|Voice of San Diego
Some were talking about Q, repeating and promoting the core tenets of the conspiracy theory.
Evangelicals are looking for answers online. They’re finding QAnon instead.|Abby Ohlheiser|August 26, 2020|MIT Technology Review
Charter schools, rejecting the tenet of promotion through seniority, promised to do better.
Your Local School Doesn’t Have to Suck|Michael S. Roth|December 17, 2014|DAILY BEAST
By late Jan. 2003, Tenet had signed the first formal guidelines for interrogation and confinement.
Inside the CIA’s Sadistic Dungeon|Tim Mak|December 9, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Meanwhile, [CIA Director George] Tenet and I sat together in my small office.
The First American: Excerpt from Henry Crumpton’s ‘The Art of Intelligence’|Henry A. Crumpton|May 14, 2012|DAILY BEAST
When Tenet was asked whether it was appropriate to describe Ciralsky that way, Tenet answered, “No.”
Ex-Chief: CIA Investigation Could Be Construed as Anti-Semitic|Eli Lake|April 23, 2012|DAILY BEAST
The only problem was that Tenet made those remarks two weeks before the actual polygraph test.
Ex-Chief: CIA Investigation Could Be Construed as Anti-Semitic|Eli Lake|April 23, 2012|DAILY BEAST
Some of the Scotists among the schoolmen appear to have made an approach to it, by their tenet of grace ex congruo.
Introduction to the Literature of Europe in the Fifteenth, Sixteenth, and Seventeenth Centuries, Vol. 2|Henry Hallam
Now, it might be shewn that there are infinite objections to this tenet, and that it involves vast difficulties and perplexities.
Rites and Ritual|Philip Freeman
Mastrius (loco jam citato) tenet inseminationem esse necessariam.
Essays In Pastoral Medicine|Austin Malley
Also, when inculcating the tenet of taking no delight in the whole Universe: 'So nothing which has form (samskrita) is reliable.'
The Gtakaml|rya Sra
Dogma, dog′ma, n. a settled opinion: a principle or tenet: a doctrine laid down with authority.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary (part 1 of 4: A-D)|Various
British Dictionary definitions for tenet
/ (ˈtɛnɪt, ˈtiːnɪt) /
a belief, opinion, or dogma
Word Origin for tenet
C17: from Latin, literally: he (it) holds, from tenēre to hold