verb (used with object),ac·com·mo·dat·ed,ac·com·mo·dat·ing.
to do a kindness or a favor to; oblige: to accommodate a friend by helping him move to a new apartment.
to provide suitably; supply (usually followed by with): The officials were accommodated with seats toward the front of the room.
to lend money to: Can you accommodate him, or are you short of cash?
to provide with a room and sometimes with food.
to furnish with accommodations, as food and lodgings.
to have or make room for: Will this elevator accommodate 10 people?
to make suitable or consistent; adapt: to accommodate oneself to circumstances.
to bring into harmony or make adjustments or allowances for: to accommodate differences;to accommodate your busy schedule.
verb (used without object),ac·com·mo·dat·ed,ac·com·mo·dat·ing.
to become adjusted or adapted.
to become reconciled; agree.
Origin of accommodate
1515–25; <Latin accommodātus adjusted (past participle of accommodāre), equivalent to ac-ac- + commod(us) fitting, suitable (com-com- + modus measure, manner) + -ātus-ate1
SYNONYMS FOR accommodate
1 serve, aid, assist, help, abet.
7 fit, suit.
8 compose, harmonize.
ANTONYMS FOR accommodate
1 inconvenience.
synonym study for accommodate
1. See oblige. 6. See contain.
OTHER WORDS FROM accommodate
ac·com·mo·da·ble[uh-kom-uh-duh-buhl], /əˈkɒm ə də bəl/, adjectivenon·ac·com·mo·da·ble,adjectivepre·ac·com·mo·date,verb (used with object),pre·ac·com·mo·dat·ed,pre·ac·com·mo·dat··ac·com·mo·date,verb,re·ac·com·mo·dat·ed,re·ac·com·mo·dat·ing.
As the pandemic has worn on, many publishers looked for other ways to win client budgets while accommodating this short-term thinking.
‘Nothing quite like being forced’: Publishers whip up quicker, cheaper ad products for advertisers|Max Willens|August 27, 2020|Digiday
Thompson had said the deal would save money over the long term, but also suggested that the property would need $15 million to potentially accommodate another 245 employees and make other capital improvements, including asbestos remediation.
The Deal Before the 101 Ash St. Debacle Helps Explain How We Got Here|Lisa Halverstadt and Jesse Marx|August 24, 2020|Voice of San Diego
One carrier, though, said that while water and treats and cold beverages are appreciated, that the best thing a customer can do is provide a bigger mailbox—one that can be reached from the truck and accommodate all mail and parcels.
U.S. Postal Service carriers reveal how you can make their day better|Jeff|August 18, 2020|Fortune
Jones said he feels bad he’s not going to be able to accommodate those parents.
Rural Districts Still Lack Devices, Internet Access as School Year Draws Near|Kayla Jimenez|August 11, 2020|Voice of San Diego
Rapid urbanisation and an increasing population compel India to accommodate more vehicles on the roads, which indirectly means more crude oil imports and carbon emissions.
How an Indian flight could run on biofuel—but India cannot|Monika Mandal|August 11, 2020|Quartz
Oxygen levels will be decreased to accommodate fewer people.