However, very little information is gleaned from these barbarous methods.
‘Zero Dark Thirty’ Doesn’t Promote Torture|Marlow Stern|December 11, 2012|DAILY BEAST
The Barbarous Years, the long-awaited companion to Voyagers to the West, is an even greater achievement.
“The Barbarous Years”: What 17th-Century America Really Looked Like|R.B. Bernstein|November 22, 2012|DAILY BEAST
The news of the Pope's barbarous revenge drove the Romans to madness.
A History of Germany|Bayard Taylor
The wound was most barbarous, and Williams' eyes filled with tears as he looked upon that magnificent torso mangled by buckshot.
Money Magic|Hamlin Garland
There it breaks suddenly, and beyond all is primitive, rude, and barbarous in the means of conveyance.
Knowledge is Power:|Charles Knight
Tradesmen, when they speak against war, always profess to hate it because it is a bloody and barbarous proceeding.
Shirley|Charlotte Bront
There were also a piano and some European luxuries strangely mingled with barbarous inventions.
A Journey to Katmandu|Laurence Oliphant
British Dictionary definitions for barbarous
/ (ˈbɑːbərəs) /
uncivilized; primitive
brutal or cruel
lacking refinement
Derived forms of barbarous
barbarously, adverbbarbarousness, noun
Word Origin for barbarous
C15: via Latin from Greek barbaros barbarian, non-Greek, in origin imitative of incomprehensible speech; compare Sanskrit barbara stammering, non-Aryan